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gfx/show/XanimAmigaBet7.lha |
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This is the BETA_7 version of my port of Xanim to the Amiga. It requires
3.x and AGA or a graphics card and 3.x, needs atleast a stack of 10000!!
It is able to play back:
Quicktime movies, AVI (windows), DL and FLI/FLC
There is support for 16/24bit Qt/AVI
Only support 256 colors and not less at the moment.
Dithering 16/24bit anims to 8bit might/might not work.
Shell only.
Save IFF pics possible 8bit or 24bit.
(use option +Di8filename or +Di24filename; filename can be any valid AmigaDOS
path+file, there is no SPACE between the option +Di8/+Di24 and the filename!.
Files will be automatically numbered from 0-n. 8/24bit saving should work for
anyone having 3.x with or without a 256 color mode.
- Support for Cybergfx 8/24bit
8bit is tested and should work. 24bit tested but should work too.
even on CyberVision64!
Please *report* any problems!!!
- Dumped reqtools. Now using ASL.
8bit saving works now too. You won't need a 256 color display anymore. No
display will be opened/required when using the +Di8 and +Di24 options.
Kickstart 3.x still required.
Fix for the width not dividable through 8. Display and save of any width
should work now.
If problems still exist please report.!
Code for gfxcards included:
Merlin 8 and 24bit enabled and working. NOT 16bit.
EGS (largely untested, don't have one ;-) )
PicassoII ( ,, )
Cybergfx 8 and 24bit
I you have one and know how to program, please have a look at the supplied
code and tell me what I'm doing wrong.
Support for: RetinaZ2/Z3 and fast c2p is in the works.
If you have such a card and know how to program the beasty please have
alook at the supplied example of the Merlin. Try to substitute your code
for mine. If it is not clear please free feel to email me at:
Complete source will be available in the final or later BETA releases!
Type Xamiga +h or -h for help.
NOTE the last main option 'D' :)
Send questions/remarks/bugs/anything to:
Contents of gfx/show/XanimAmigaBet7.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1888 5007 37.7% -lh5- 8fc3 May 2 1995 XanimAmigaBeta7/amiga.c
[generic] 523 1219 42.9% -lh5- 3457 Sep 5 1995 XanimAmigaBeta7/xanim_cybergfx.c
[generic] 991 3201 31.0% -lh5- cd8a Apr 16 1995 XanimAmigaBeta7/xanim_egs.c
[generic] 647 1502 43.1% -lh5- a5c5 Apr 16 1995 XanimAmigaBeta7/xanim_merlin.c
[generic] 1543 3783 40.8% -lh5- c9c9 Apr 16 1995 XanimAmigaBeta7/xanim_picasso.c
[generic] 1252 2446 51.2% -lh5- c0a4 Sep 5 1995 XanimAmigaBeta7/XanimAMI.txt
[generic] 86338 240308 35.9% -lh5- 1fd0 Oct 7 1995 XanimAmigaBeta7/AmiXanim
[generic] 593 1233 48.1% -lh5- e52d Apr 16 1995 XanimAmigaBeta7.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 8 files 93775 258699 36.2% Oct 9 1995
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