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:... ELbiE^t13n! ...:
: Daniel Sjöstrand :
: ElbiExzone@hotmail.com :
: Prodly presents :
: The last Elusive Cure Song :
: G r a v e t y :
This is the last Elusive Cure realease,
the group has decided to quit making music togeather,
much due to the fact that none of the group members
now lives in the same city.
Rehearsing, writing new songs togeather and recording
is quite difficult when ppl don't see eachother anymore.
So I hope eyou like this song the Final Elusive Cure Song!
For any reason contact me at;
< ElbiExzone@hotmail.com >
Please visit my home page!
< http://www.listen.to/ElbiE >
Take care
Contents of mods/elbie/elu_grav.mpg
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