84782 packages online
mods/sets/brimstonesaga.lha |
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Here are a couple of Songs that i wrote over the last few Months.
They finally didn`t made it into our sharewaregame "Brimstone Saga"
(see Aminet: game/role/brimstonesaga.lha), so i decided to upload them
to our glory Aminet. ;-)
Use them for whatever u want...
Best wishes,
The Machine
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
338 228 32.5% 04-Sep-95 12:53:38 ABOUT_BRIMSTONE
854 335 60.7% 20-Jan-80 05:21:02 ABOUT_BRIMSTONE.INFO
171334 103636 39.5% 04-Sep-95 12:57:02 mod.brimstone-five
189858 141148 25.6% 04-Sep-95 12:57:20 mod.brimstone-four
250800 149956 40.2% 04-Sep-95 13:01:10 mod.brimstone-one
26208 6683 74.5% 04-Sep-95 13:01:36 mod.brimstone-three
93848 56314 39.9% 04-Sep-95 13:02:10 mod.brimstone-two
19804 19804 0.0% 28-Nov-01 22:22:36 THEMACHINE.JPG
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
753044 478104 36.5% 04-Sep-95 13:04:50 8 files
Contents of mods/sets/brimstonesaga.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 228 338 67.5% -lh5- 28c4 Sep 4 1995 about_brimstone
[generic] 335 854 39.2% -lh5- 601a Jan 20 1980 ABOUT_BRIMSTONE.INFO
[generic] 103636 171334 60.5% -lh5- 5429 Sep 4 1995 mod.brimstone-five
[generic] 141148 189858 74.3% -lh5- d426 Sep 4 1995 mod.brimstone-four
[generic] 149956 250800 59.8% -lh5- eaaa Sep 4 1995 mod.brimstone-one
[generic] 6683 26208 25.5% -lh5- 945f Sep 4 1995 mod.brimstone-three
[generic] 56314 93848 60.0% -lh5- 03c3 Sep 4 1995 mod.brimstone-two
[generic] 19804 19804 100.0% -lh0- ae9b Nov 28 2001 THEMACHINE.JPG
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 8 files 478104 753044 63.5% Oct 13 2002
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