84782 packages online
mods/sets/crystalsymphs1.lha |
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"Crystal Symphonys II" is a musicdisk made by Phenomena. All mods on
these 2 disks are made by Mantronix and Tip and were saved as Noise-
Packer2 mods. This pack includes all mods in unpacked format, so use
any Protracker/Noisetracker compatible replayer. -Enjoy-
PS: Have u ever tried STP1.41 - the marvellous Stereo-Tower-Player?
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
96146 58237 39.4% 20-May-93 18:01:00 mod.Act of Impulse
104806 70684 32.5% 20-May-93 18:01:02 mod.Denial
221854 137154 38.1% 20-May-93 18:01:04 mod.Disharmony
130066 78288 39.8% 20-May-93 17:59:18 mod.Gateway
136322 87906 35.5% 20-May-93 18:01:06 mod.Hidden Truths
119688 69709 41.7% 20-May-93 18:01:08 mod.La Vie est Rose
125894 79379 36.9% 20-May-93 18:01:10 mod.Liberation
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
934776 581357 37.8% 20-May-93 18:10:34 7 files
Contents of mods/sets/crystalsymphs1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 58237 96146 60.6% -lh5- 21c8 May 20 1993 mod.Act of Impulse
[generic] 70684 104806 67.4% -lh5- 32b6 May 20 1993 mod.Denial
[generic] 137154 221854 61.8% -lh5- 0673 May 20 1993 mod.Disharmony
[generic] 78288 130066 60.2% -lh5- 98a7 May 20 1993 mod.Gateway
[generic] 87906 136322 64.5% -lh5- 5c43 May 20 1993 mod.Hidden Truths
[generic] 69709 119688 58.2% -lh5- da2f May 20 1993 mod.La Vie est Rose
[generic] 79379 125894 63.1% -lh5- 9ddb May 20 1993 mod.Liberation
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 581357 934776 62.2% May 21 1993
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