* Well I *
*think that*
*is how you*
*spell it..*
* By *
* Hotcakes *
Well. I said I might make differant mixes. And here it is, Adnauseam
II, Adnauseous. This hardtrance track is dedicated to Dreaming Daisys
(10-12pm Tuesdays, 3d Radio, 93.7FM), because, like a wise man once said (Just
kiddin, Andrew:) "If you can't dedicate something to someone, what can you
do?" I never really `got' that one, but it sounded good so there, it's in my
Tek speks:
Format - Protracker (yes, boys and girls, no MED specifics for a nice
Length - 6.20minutes change!)
Size - 307768 bytes (that's after I removed the blueberry pie)
Blocks - 42
Playblocks- 50
BPM - 125. Yep. Boring as shit.
I was actually gunna use DIGIbooster to finish this mod off. But my save
module button seems to be disabled. Apart from the `I look and sound like a
normal tracker but I have 8 channels instead nyah nyah' interface, which
really drew me to the program, it's a pain in the arse to use.
When is OctaMED Soundstudio coming out???????????????
Yes folks I still use OctaMED 4, because it's sooo easy to use. I could
dribble for years about this one. And it came on a coverdisk so I actually
have a legal copy. Hmm I better stop now. :)
Greetz fly to: Georgie Night, Grazgur, every one of my friends, and rellies,
and to everybody else that I don't (or don't want to) know.
Nuff of this.
To contact me: Write via a friend, Ian Hoskins,
at : hoss@satech.net.au
And visit his web page, it's had almost 2000 visits allready :)
at : http://www.satech.net.au/~hoss/index.html
(Of course, we are reconsidering the reliability of his callscounter:)
CATchas Round.
Eat, drink and be socially unacceptable.