.\ /______
| _______/___________ _____________/_
|______ ¬\/ __ ¬\\________ _/_____________/_
-----/______\____________\______/ ¬\\________ _/ ___________ _____
--------- -______- -------/______\______/ ¬\/ __ ¬\\\ /
.\ __/_____ -------------/______\____________\\\/
[ CORROSION ] |_______ ¬\ __ _ /_________ ___________
[ music ] |________ \\ / __ ¬\ ___ ¬\
[ section ] -------/______\\ /|___________\______/ \
-------| \/ :-----------------/______\sCf/-T!
CRS00007: "IMAGINE A TREE" by .A.
BULLSHIT: ... Listen, and follow the words of The Prophet. Good teeth
break the hardest nut, good sword break the hardest stones, good
beat breaks ...
Follow Miyamoto Musashi.
[bleeding ignorance and seeding radiation] :
World Wide Web: http://www.crsn.com
File Transfer Protocol: CoRRoSioN ftp site [ftp.crsn.com]
still under development! at this moment,
files can be obtained from pub/CoRRoSioN/down
directory. filenames for module prods:
Papa2 demo ftp site [auckland.ira.uka.de]
- /incoming/papa/crs_*.*
Aminet [ftp.uni-paderborn.de]
- mods/techn/crs_*.*
check out also other aminet-sites
Electronic Mail: corrosion@matgnet.com [CoRRoSioN group mail]
domin8r@galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu [DoMiNAToR]
phuzzy@galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu [PhuZZy LoGiK]
alx@galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu [.A.]
info file credits: CoRRoSioN asc2 - Scarface; bullshit: dominator/corrosion