Planetia was written in Protracker 3.15 by
Doug H.Cole/Skyfusion Aural + Visual/Interlink Software
Total Playing time for this module is : 05:35
This Mod was written with an Audio Expander Connected
to my Amiga, if you don't have one, get one 8)
Architecture: generic
-_| / /__ :_.o._. . SKYFUSiON AURAL & VISUAL |A1200/030/40Mhz!
(_|/\_/|_| (_ || |\|House/Dub/Tekkno
._)\ | | |_|_)|:_| : A M I G A - L O N G - L I V E !! |Ambient/Triphop
----\:-:------------ THE Computer For THE Creative Mind |Atmosphere/Trance
--------------------Unique Logo Screens & Visual Effects| Soundtrack
A U R A L <> V I S U A L