She probably won't like this module, but, I still
want to dedicate it to the gal I love and adore!!
I miss you! :`(
Neither stories, nor tales
Neither dreaming, nor longing
Nothing, and no one
Can ever, could never
Describe what I
Always have
And always will
Be longing for..
A short eternity of joy
Probing the familiar
Yet so distant parts
Of subspace
-= SunRise =-
/ volley
"Livet är inte alltid en fest;
ibland är det en dans på rosor."
/ A.B.
This is my first ever module release. It was composed using OctaMED on my
A1200, and a homemade program called Drum-Line, that was used for mixing
together drums, hats and claps into singletrack samples. Hope you like it!
I'm afraid all samples were brutally stolen, due to the fact that I lack
access to a sampler (heck, I probably lack the talent to sample too). As
most samples were ripped quite a long time ago, I'm unable to credit the
ones who really deserve it. Sorry guys!
Immense UNTSCHAKAKAKs go out to MC Celsius!!! Keep up the good work!!!
Respect also goes out to (in no particular order): Johan Alpmar, Dax and
the Ravebusters, Dirk, XTD, Da Jormas (including Vesuri, Piirakka, Raato
and Naksahtaja), Acechan, Mono, Juice, SLC, Jam & Spoon and Neural.
You can find me as volley on #theend / EfNet (my hostmask is something like
volley@subnormal.lls.se). The channel should be linked to at least
UnderNet, but don't count on the bots to be there all the time.
Hiyas are aimed at LOGIXS [*wink*! =)], FISHMOOSE [Lördag.. hoppas
hoppas!], EIN [Torsdag? :)], MAGS [Uhm have you got the hamster
now.....?], TJOST [krääk.. ökade tempot lite.. =)], TOASTER [Sommarn
snart här... ;}], KARLA [Hieeeeeeeee =)], OWLIE [WhoOOooOoooOO!] and to
the rest of the #theend crew! =)
Pelle "volley" Claesson of TheEnd Amiga