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mus/misc/8SVXtoXXX.lha |
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This program has an easy-to-use GUI (MUI) and also a
file list if many files is to be converted in one go!
This is a sample-converter which convert and resample
IFF-8SVX samples to:
* IFF-8SVX - mono/stereo
* Raw - mono/stereo, 8/16 bit, motorola/intel
* Audio IFF - mono/stereo, 8/12/16 bit
* RIFF-WAVE - mono/stereo, 8/12/16 bit, PCM
* RIFX-WAVE - as RIFF but in motorola-format, rarely used
* Creative VOC - mono/stereo, 8/12/16 bit, PCM v1.20
The resampler can currently do (in HiQ or Fast mode):
* Nothing
* Half the frequency
* Double the frequency
* Resample to a custom frequency
* Resample to 11025 Hz
* Resample to 16000 Hz
* Resample to 22050 Hz
* Resample to 32000 Hz
* Resample to 44100 Hz
* Resample to 48000 Hz
*** This program has been successfully tested on AmigaOS4-upd3
* NEW * Now 8SVXtoXXX can be used from CLI.
* FIX * Fixed reading of file headers. It could easily crash before
if a file wasn't as expected.
* FIX * Raised the internal stack a bit to make it stable on OS4.
* NEW * I finally made a guide :)
* I have made some mistakes in the WAV-header. The blockalign-field was
not set f.ex. WAVs should work better on Windows Media Player now.
Thanks to Roy Buckley for reporting the problems and help me debug!
* The program always saved prefs when exiting, now it only "uses"
(saving to ENV: instead of ENVARC:) the prefs when quitting.
* Added menu options for explicitly saving the prefs and loading
the last saved.
* Fixed a couple of button-ghosting bugs. F.ex. Format was not
editable the way it should have. It should only be selectable
for 8-bit RAW. All other formats are defined to one or the
other. I have seen no program that uses 16-bit unsigned, therefor
is this not editable even with RAW.
* Fixed a long standing bug which made the header say that
samples that was resampled was a few bytes longer or shorter
than they actually are. This should now have been fixed!
* Now you can resample to any frequency, not just the pre-defined.
* Fixed a bug in the WAV header.
* Fixed a bug when converting some stereo samples.
* Minor cosmetic changes.
* I have made it possible to control most of the program using the
* Fixed the ghosting of some cycle gadgets that was ghosted when
the shouldn't and not ghosted when they should.
* I gave the program a menu and the option to get to the MUI settings.
* The Output File now changes the extension when cycling through the
save format.
Other programs by Deniil 715! can be found on OnyxSoft homepage at:
Feel free to mail me if you have a question, found a bug or have suggestions!
daniel TA onyxsoft TOD se
Contents of mus/misc/8SVXtoXXX.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1822 2741 66.5% -lh5- 6117 Oct 29 04:14 8SVXtoXXX.info
[generic] 13619 41948 32.5% -lh5- f8ca Oct 29 03:08 8SVXtoXXX/8SVXtoXXX
[generic] 3735 9923 37.6% -lh5- 8416 Oct 29 04:01 8SVXtoXXX/8SVXtoXXX.guide
[generic] 2245 2896 77.5% -lh5- 0262 Oct 29 04:14 8SVXtoXXX/8SVXtoXXX.guide.info
[generic] 1749 2422 72.2% -lh5- 087d Oct 29 04:14 8SVXtoXXX/8SVXtoXXX.info
[generic] 1475 2969 49.7% -lh5- 6715 Oct 29 04:13 8SVXtoXXX/8SVXtoXXX.readme
[generic] 1800 2764 65.1% -lh5- 24be Oct 29 04:14 8SVXtoXXX/8SVXtoXXX.readme.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 26445 65663 40.3% Dec 18 22:39
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