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mus/misc/SmpteCtrlDEMO.lha |
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$VER: SMPTECTRL 1.11 (11.12.98)
Copyright (C) 1998 by Digital Surface/Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen.
All rights reserved.
- What is SMPTECTRL (SMPTE Control) ?
This program allow you to control the SMPTE sinks of Studio 16
from the CLI command line or by a GUI.
You can control sinks like the Internal source or the
"SMPTE Output" sink source, the B&P sink and so on.
You can PLAY, STOP, FastForward and Rewind the sink. You can
even set a SMPTE code at any time. You can also select source
or use default (current) sink source.
The GUI contains four buttons for Play, Stop, FF, REW and an
input gadget to set a new SMPTE time. It also contains a line
which shows current SMPTE time and buttons for storing and
recalling TC memory. The GUI will pop up on the Workbench
screen or any other public screen.
- What does it require ?
A SMPTE source which could be Studio 16 or the "SMPTE Output"
stand-alone module. It require the Studio 16 v3.x in order
to work. For gui it requires dfunc.library v38 (included).
It requires OS 2.04 or better to work as well.
- How much does it cost ?
As SMPTECTRL is commercial software you will need to buy it
directly from author. The price is stunning low, only USD 10.
For this you will receive a fingerprinted version with no
features disabled on your email account as soon as the money
has arrived.
- How to pay ?
You can take the risk of sending a USD 10 bill in an envelope
or use a money order made payable to Kenneth Chr. Nilsen,
Skinstadgaarden, N-3370 Vikersund in NORWAY.
Other currencies accepted:
DM 18
NOK 50
SEK 70
FR 70
Very important: ONLY send paper money, no coins will be accepted
(bank policy).
Remember to add a note with your email, name and postal address
(the latter for reg-print) and the text "SMPTEControl order".
Examples of use (CLI examples):
Will start play the current sink.
1> SMPTECTRL PLAY SetSource "SMPTE Output"
Will force the "SMPTE Output" module to start play if it's
Will stop current sink source.
1> SMPTECTRL SetSMPTE "00:01:02:12" SetSource "SMPTE Output"
Will set the "SMPTE Output" source to time 00:01:02:12.
Will popup the GUI interface of the program.
1> SMPTECTRL GUI SetSource "Internal"
Will popup the GUI and use the "Internal" SMPTE sink source.
From WB you just double click its icon an it will pop up its GUI and
use current SMPTE sink as source or the one specified in the tooltypes.
You can have several project icons to start SmpteCtrl from WB.
Disabled features in this demoversion:
- Play trigger comand from CLI
- Tooltypes reading
- Saving and loading of timecode memory
Contents of mus/misc/SmpteCtrlDEMO.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 11995 22660 52.9% -lh5- e002 Jun 30 1998 SmpteControl/Libs/dfunc.library
[generic] 4457 12336 36.1% -lh5- 36ac Jun 25 1998 SmpteControl/SmpteControl.doc
[generic] 7257 28024 25.9% -lh5- d0d8 Dec 11 1998 SmpteControl/SmpteCTRL
[generic] 734 2926 25.1% -lh5- bd66 Jun 25 1998 SmpteControl/SmpteCTRL.info
[generic] 1532 3151 48.6% -lh5- 1371 Dec 11 1998 SmpteControl/SmpteCTRL.readme
[generic] 703 1482 47.4% -lh5- 415a Jun 25 1998 SmpteControl/SmpteCTRL.readme.info
[generic] 1122 2210 50.8% -lh5- 0037 Jun 25 1998 SmpteControl.info
[generic] 711 1321 53.8% -lh5- 099d Jun 30 1998 SmpteControl/NEWS.txt
[generic] 703 1482 47.4% -lh5- b2ce Jun 25 1998 SmpteControl/NEWS.txt.info
[generic] 741 2923 25.4% -lh5- d9bb Jun 25 1998 SmpteControl/SmpteB&P.info
[generic] 704 1482 47.5% -lh5- 7f82 Jun 25 1998 SmpteControl/SmpteControl.doc.info
[generic] 744 2929 25.4% -lh5- 6ca1 Jun 25 1998 SmpteControl/SmpteOUT.info
[generic] 744 2925 25.4% -lh5- 905a Jun 25 1998 SmpteControl/SmpteS16.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 13 files 32147 85851 37.4% Dec 13 1998
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