84782 packages online
mus/misc/sapmaker-mos.lha |
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Ported with use of vbcc - portable ANSI C compiler by Volker Barthelmann.
Amiga port by Voy/SSG/Dial still bases on the SAP Maker 4 by Fox/Taquart.
Morphos port lousely based on the Amiga port, simply recompiled the
source code and repacked with the same files.
About SAP files
SAP stands for Slight Atari Player. File in .SAP format contains all data
necessary for playing music emulating POKEY sound chip and 6502 processor,
and some information about music. SAP Maker can convert files from the
following Atari XL/XE music formats:
CMC - standard Chaos Music Composer 2.0 files
CMR - Chaos Music Composer 2.0 files with changed bass table
(created with "CMC Rzog")
MPT - Music ProTracker 2.4 files
This extension is for tunes without samples
MD1/D15 - Music ProTracker 2.4 tunes with single 15 kHz digi
Such music consists of two files: MPT music and samples data.
These files should have same name and MD1 and D15 extensions
MD1/D8 - Music ProTracker 2.4 tunes with single 7.5 kHz digi
Same as above except for lower quality of samples
MD2/D8 - Music ProTracker 2.4 tunes with two digi channels
Music in MD2 file, samples in D8.
TMC - Theta Music Composer files
This extension is for tunes which can be played with single POKEY
TM8 - Theta Music Composer STEREO tunes (with 2 POKEYs on-board)
AMS - Advanced Music System (?) files (experimental)
1. Copy "SAP Maker" drawer where you want...
2. Add following lines to your startup-sequence or user-startup, where
'your path' means ie. "dh0:Tools/":
Assign >NIL: SPM: "your path/SAP Maker"
3. If you want to, you can copy an icon from the "Default icon" drawer to
"ENVARC:Sys/", execute DefIconsPrefs and add below items:
PATTERN #?.sap
MATCH 0 "SAPx0Dx0A" Case sensitive
SEARCH "AUTHOR" Case sensitive
SEARCH "NAME" Case sensitive
SEARCH "DATE" Case sensitive
SEARCH "TYPE" Case sensitive
For more info please read 'sapmaker.txt' file. Example music files are
included in the archive. Please increase stack to ca. 40kB :) before startup.
From CLI: sapmaker <filename> (where 'filename' stands for text file with
SAP tags)
v1.1 - recompiled with code optimization (ca. 2kB of gain ;-).
- FIXED: messages strings.
- ADDED: support for assignment.
- ADDED: "Docs" drawer.
- ADDED: .SAP file default icon (you can download my set of Atari deficons
from the Aminet's pix/icon/AtariGlowIcons.lha :).
v??? - ADDED: title strings.
Additional info
If you want to listen to the .SAP files, you can download a great SAP
player, ported to Amiga by Sebastian Jedruszkiewicz (elf@frogger.rules.pl),
based on the sapLib 1.51 by Adam Bienias (Soused Teat/Slight):
or from this place:
PPC is recommended for the biggest satisfaction from SAP player! ^_^ |
Contents of mus/misc/sapmaker-mos.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1652 1894 87.2% -lh5- d6d5 Feb 2 2003 SAP_Maker.info
[generic] 370 444 83.3% -lh5- c307 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/ams_0500.plr
[generic] 1585 2017 78.6% -lh5- 39b6 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/cmc_0500.plr
[generic] 1596 2017 79.1% -lh5- 520c Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/cmc_f500.plr
[generic] 1598 2017 79.2% -lh5- fb2d Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/cmr_0500.plr
[generic] 1609 2017 79.8% -lh5- 9097 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/cmr_f500.plr
[generic] 1785 1972 90.5% -lh5- b9a4 Feb 2 2003 SAP_Maker/Default icon.info
[generic] 1864 2009 92.8% -lh5- 7283 Feb 2 2003 SAP_Maker/Default icon/def_sap.info
[generic] 1651 1894 87.2% -lh5- dbe8 Feb 2 2003 SAP_Maker/Docs.info
[generic] 392 646 60.7% -lh5- 5f27 Feb 2 2003 SAP_Maker/Docs/Example_SAPs.txt
[generic] 1008 1512 66.7% -lh5- 902c Feb 2 2003 SAP_Maker/Docs/Example_SAPs.txt.info
[generic] 3601 8565 42.0% -lh5- 1693 Feb 2 2003 SAP_Maker/Docs/Sap.doc
[generic] 1846 2781 66.4% -lh5- 3f09 Feb 2 2003 SAP_Maker/Docs/Sap.doc.info
[generic] 2745 6207 44.2% -lh5- a9a4 Feb 2 2003 SAP_Maker/Docs/sapmaker.txt
[generic] 1008 1512 66.7% -lh5- d2d8 Feb 2 2003 SAP_Maker/Docs/sapmaker.txt.info
[generic] 2958 6742 43.9% -lh5- 946a Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Boremloza.sap
[generic] 1970 3204 61.5% -lh5- 47d7 Nov 2 2003 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/ElanLL2002.sap
[generic] 3452 6576 52.5% -lh5- 3d06 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Glikol.sap
[generic] 3372 6020 56.0% -lh5- 7af5 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Komar.sap
[generic] 318 1097 29.0% -lh5- 32e5 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Original modules/ELANLL02.CMC
[generic] 1670 4232 39.5% -lh5- 655c Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Original modules/GLIKOL.MPT
[generic] 1612 3677 43.8% -lh5- 1d46 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Original modules/KOMAR.MPT
[generic] 1719 5829 29.5% -lh5- c7de Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Original modules/OSAD2.TM8
[generic] 1600 3698 43.3% -lh5- 4386 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Original modules/PORAZKA3.MPT
[generic] 914 2115 43.2% -lh5- 9744 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Original modules/RETURN.MPT
[generic] 344 717 48.0% -lh5- a3eb Feb 2 2003 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Original modules/sapinfo.txt
[generic] 2346 7786 30.1% -lh5- b56f Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Original modules/SCREAM.TM8
[generic] 987 2422 40.8% -lh5- 0085 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Original modules/SKIS.CMC
[generic] 1500 3118 48.1% -lh5- 36b8 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Original modules/UHT03.MPT
[generic] 1252 2680 46.7% -lh5- 98a0 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Original modules/UHT05.MPT
[generic] 3539 8653 40.9% -lh5- b546 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Osadnicy_2.sap
[generic] 3402 6073 56.0% -lh5- 1683 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Porazka_3.sap
[generic] 2645 4453 59.4% -lh5- 74cd Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Return.sap
[generic] 4176 10597 39.4% -lh5- 8fc4 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Scream.sap
[generic] 2225 4060 54.8% -lh5- 1184 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Siekacz.sap
[generic] 2690 4543 59.2% -lh5- 77f1 Nov 2 2003 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/Skislodrom.sap
[generic] 3264 5459 59.8% -lh5- 9b21 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/UHT03.sap
[generic] 2995 5021 59.6% -lh5- 1684 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/Example SAPs/UHT05.sap
[generic] 1634 2233 73.2% -lh5- 42c3 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/mpt_0500.plr
[generic] 1632 2233 73.1% -lh5- 8d35 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/mpt_f500.plr
[generic] 10561 31952 33.1% -lh5- d1e1 Jan 22 16:05 SAP_Maker/sapmaker-mos
[generic] 1658 3465 47.8% -lh5- 7b78 Jan 24 14:10 SAP_Maker/sapmaker-mos.readme
[generic] 3572 11548 30.9% -lh5- 93a2 Feb 1 2003 SAP_Maker/sapmaker.c
[generic] 1665 2671 62.3% -lh5- 630b Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/tmc_0500.plr
[generic] 1670 2671 62.5% -lh5- 1633 Nov 2 2002 SAP_Maker/tmc_f500.plr
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 45 files 97652 203049 48.1% Jan 24 17:50
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