84782 packages online
No screenshot available
- TB-303 style sequencer with realistic sounding Accent and Slide
- Even more TB-303 like Sound (if you want 100% TB-303 sounding samples,buy the damn thing...)
- Knob twiddling envelopes with linear interpolation for those smooth sweeps
- Tons of bugs and other nasty things to correct
Note that this is not a realtime calculating software...and not the final version.
Contents of mus/misc/zms-kc3.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 277 632 43.8% -lh5- 5884 Jan 7 1999 Kocmu3.info
[generic] 201 387 51.9% -lh5- 567d Dec 27 1998 file_id.diz
[generic] 393 602 65.3% -lh5- c620 Jan 7 1999 Kocmu3/Kocmu3.info
[generic] 11422 22820 50.1% -lh5- 5121 Jan 7 1999 Kocmu3/kocmu3_000
[generic] 11362 22648 50.2% -lh5- 7690 Jan 7 1999 Kocmu3/kocmu3_020
[generic] 11768 22456 52.4% -lh5- a4a2 Jan 7 1999 Kocmu3/kocmu3_020+68881
[generic] 11768 22456 52.4% -lh5- a4a2 Jan 7 1999 Kocmu3/kocmu3_020+68882
[generic] 11358 22648 50.2% -lh5- bd75 Jan 7 1999 Kocmu3/kocmu3_030
[generic] 11772 22452 52.4% -lh5- ad80 Jan 7 1999 Kocmu3/kocmu3_030+68881
[generic] 11772 22452 52.4% -lh5- ad80 Jan 7 1999 Kocmu3/kocmu3_030+68882
[generic] 12090 22916 52.8% -lh5- 623f Jan 7 1999 Kocmu3/kocmu3_040
[generic] 11766 22480 52.3% -lh5- b4ea Jan 7 1999 Kocmu3/kocmu3_060
[generic] 2075 4887 42.5% -lh5- e7f7 May 14 1998 Kocmu3/orig-tb.c
[generic] 550 1007 54.6% -lh5- 993e Jan 7 1999 Kocmu3/README.NOW
[generic] 46 524 8.8% -lh5- 07b9 Nov 2 1997 Kocmu3/fonts/Musicline.font
[generic] 1454 2960 49.1% -lh5- 7d6c Nov 2 1997 Kocmu3/fonts/Musicline/7
[generic] 892 2004 44.5% -lh5- a3a8 Nov 2 1997 Kocmu3/fonts/Musicline/8
[generic] 342 540 63.3% -lh5- 8477 Jan 7 1999 kocmu3.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 18 files 111308 216871 51.3% Jan 10 1999
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