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Short:TypeSmith v1.01 patches
Author:Provided by Soft-Logik Publishing Inc.
Uploader:soft-logik cup portal com
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                   Welcome to TypeSmith 1.01

The 1.0 to 1.01 upgrade is a maintenance upgrade. Some of the
problems that have been addressed in the new version are:

- Type 1 fonts are now saved in a format that is compatible with
  the Post PostScript interpreter.

- DR2D imports can now be individually positioned and scaled with
  a picture frame pointer (like `paste').

- Some problems with ARexx commands have been resolved.

- TypeSmith DMF fonts no longer have `fill leaks' when used
  in PageStream 2.

- The AutoMetric requester has been slightly re-designed.

- Intellifont files are now scaled to match AGFA's recommended size.

- New project tool type for Soft-Logik fonts: FIXEDPITCH=yes|no
  Necessary since DMF does not support a fixedpitch flag.

- `Delete' in overview panel now deletes compositions as well.

- Miscellaneous minor bug fixes.

How to install:

1. Uncompress the archive in RAM: or on your harddrive.

   It is recommended that you move the update files (lpatch,
   Install_TS_Update,, TypeSmith_1.01.pch)
   to RAM: or a harddrive before double-clicking on Install_TS_Update.

2. Put your original TypeSmith 1.0 program disk in df0:.

   To install the update you need a working-copy of your *unchanged*
   TypeSmith 1.0 original disk. The patch cannot be applied to
   personalized, powerpacked or otherwise changed copies of TypeSmith.
   ENSURE you write-protect this disk to avoid damaging it.

   This disk *must* be placed in the df0: drive.

   FLOPPY DISK USERS: You must place your original write-protected
   TypeSmith disk in df0:, and your working-copy of the disk in another
   floppy drive. DO NOT try to patch the file on your working floppy,
   you will not have a enough disk space to complete the patch. Copy the
   Unchanged TypeSmith 1.0 program file to RAM: first. Then apply the
   patch to the one in RAM:. When the patch is finished, copy the NEW
   TypeSmith to your working disk.

3. Double click on the Install_TS_Update icon and follow the instructions.

The installer will patch your TypeSmith 1.0 program to version 1.01.

What the patch installer does:

The installer script loads the Installer program from the disk in
df0:. It asks you to select the directory in which your working
copy of TypeSmith 1.0 is stored. (This is where TypeSmith 1.01 will
be saved upon completion.) Then it runs the patch program to
convert the TypeSmith 1.0 program in df0: to create TypeSmith 1.01
in RAM:. Finally, TypeSmith 1.01 is copied to your working


If you have problems using this patch installation, you can
purchase the latest version of the TypeSmith program disk for $10
plus shipping ($5 in the US and Canada, $15 foreign), by contacting
Soft-Logik Publishing SALES at the address or phone numbers below.

If you are applying this patch to a 'borrowed' copy of TypeSmith,
purchase a legal copy today. Amiga software companies will
disappear unless you purchase the software you use. We try to keep
our prices low to make it easier to buy our software.

                    Soft-Logik Publishing Corp.
                    PO Box 510589
                    St. Louis MO 63151-0589  USA

             Sales:  800-829-8608  (Toll-Free North America)
                     314-894-8608  (International)
 Technical support:  314-894-0431
    Business hours:  Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Central Time

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