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DPMSManager is a small DPMS energy saving tool for computers
equipped with a CyberGraphics/Picasso96-supporting Gfx-Board.
DPMSManager supports the three DPMS energy-saving methods of modern
You can specify the delay time for each DPMS-stage.
The main idea of DPMSManager is to have DPMS-functions in conjunction
with other screenblankers (if so, then you have to set the dpms-times
longer then the blanker times!!) or just as standalone-program which
provides the energy saving methods.
This program is a redesign of my CGXBlanker (util/blank/CGXBlanker.lha)
and the idea for it had Paul "ExiE" Strejcek.
Thanks, Paul for this good idea!
The following tooltypes/shell parameters are supported:
MODEID : (optional and recommended) -> ModeID of the CGX-screenmode
used to open for the DPMS-mode. If not specified, DPMSManager
uses the screenmode of your WB (which then has to be run
under CGX/P96 to allow the DPMS-functions!).
The ModeID has to be a decimal number (you can get it with
POWEROFFKEY : <SHIFT F4> -> shortcut for immediate DPMS-PowerOff
QUITKEY : <SHIFT F5> -> shortcut for quitting DPMSManager
STANBYTIME : <seconds> to wait before stage 1 of DPMS (Standby)
SUSPEND : <seconds> to wait after stage 1 before activating
stage 2 (Suspend)
POWEROFFTIME: <seconds> to wait after stage 2 before activating
stage 3 (PowerOff)
NOMOUSE : Prevents DPMSManager from powering the Monitor on again
when the mouse is moved.
If you want to use hotkeys with spaces in it, please use "'s.
For example you want Alt Shift F10 as poweroff-key, then you have
to write
dpmsmanager poweroffkey="Alt Shift F10"
o supports (or better: needs) CyberGraphics or Picasso96
o is small
o is a commodity
o runs also from the shell
o supports all three stages of DPMS
o is systemfriendly designed
o is freeware
o AmigaOS 3.x+ (tested with OS 3.5, OS 3.1)
o GfxBoard running with CyberGraphX or Picasso96 and a
Workbench/DefaultPublicScreen running in >=256 Colors
(tested with CGXV3, 1152x900x16, OpusMagellanII)
DPMSManager is FREEWARE. I would be happy to get an eMail if you
like/use it or if you have any questions about this tool.
V1.00: (01.05.1999)
** first public release **
V1.01: (03.05.1999)
Now you can also deactivate each DPMS-stage by putting
brackets around the time-statement (e.g. "(POWEROFFTIME=240)")
Also, you can deactive the hotkey POWEROFFKEY in the same
way. Some GFX-Cards could have problems with the POWEROFF-
stage (PicassoII(+)?).
Thanks to Helmut Wippermueller for this suggestion!
V1.10: (01.08.2000)
Added shell-support (same syntax as the WB ToolTypes).
Thanks to Xavier Messersmith for this idea!
V1.11: (20.02.2000)
Added the NOMOUSE Tooltype to prevent PowerOn when moving
the mouse.
Thanks to Efim Shuvikov for this idea!
V1.20: (03.03.2000)
** second public release **
DPMSManager now blanks immediately again if another screen or
window was brought to front by another application.
Thanks to Ingo Musquinier for reporting this problem!
V1.21: (07.08.2000)
Removed a silly Enforcer-Hit which happened at program launch.
Reported by Michal Stochmialek. Thanks Michal!
V1.22: (12.09.2001)
DPMSManager now has a named screen+window to allow users
to disallow patches like VisualPrefs patching DPMSManager.
Thanks to Matt reporting this!
V1.23: (13.09.2001)
- DPMSManager now has a public screen named "DPMSManager" to
hopefully fix finally the reason problems which should have
been fixed with V1.22... :)
- Arg. Forgot also to switch off a small develop helper in V1.22...
Stefan Robl <stefan@qdev.de>
More infos about ArtecScan, PPCjpeg, the QBox and my other Projects?
Just visit my Homepage: http://www.qdev.de
Have fun!
Contents of util/blank/DPMSManager.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 9619 19020 50.6% -lh5- 13a8 Sep 13 2001 DPMSManager
[generic] 1174 2047 57.4% -lh5- 1582 Feb 13 2001 DPMSManager.info
[generic] 2059 4569 45.1% -lh5- 03fa Sep 13 2001 DPMSManager.readme
[generic] 1051 1503 69.9% -lh5- c41f Feb 13 2001 DPMSManager.readme.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 13903 27139 51.2% Sep 14 2001
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