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Short:V2.0, Module for GarshneBlanker v3.6
Author: schmiegel at (Ingo Schmiegel)
Uploader:schmiegel eecs rwth-aachen de (Ingo Schmiegel)
Requires:OS 3.0, Garshneblanker v3.6, asyncio.library v39.0
Download:util/blank/GBCookie.lha - View contents

Just a new module for the Garshneblanker screensaver.

                    New for v2.0
    - Much faster loading of next cookie
    - Shows ascii-pictures like U.S.S Enterprise now in
      an other font than normal text-cookies; and uses
      an other indenting mode so that they don't become
      messed up
    - Syntax of cookie files changed a bit:
      · Only "%%" at beginning of a line start a cookie
      · Anything following "%%" is treated as a comment
        and will not be displayed
      All cookie files I know of use this syntax, too.
      There should be no problems left this time :)
    - Removed a little bug: First cookie in a file can
      now be shown, too. (Regardless whether it is
      preceeded by a "%%"-line or not.)

            Requires now asyncio.library v39.0
NOTE: Cookies 2.0 now _requires_ asyncio.library v39.0!!
(Download actual version from "aminet/dev/c". And copy
the file "asyncio.library" to your "libs:" drawer.)

               What is this module anyway?
Got bored by the old "Text" blanker showing always the same
text, which you've typed yourself?

Then you should use this blanker instead.
It can load cookies from a cookie file.
(If you don't have one, get: aminet/util/misc/fortune.lha
for a start. There are lots of cookie files around the
internet, though.)
After loading the cookie it will be displayed on the screen
with some nice colours and it will be moving around, just like
the texts "Text" could display.
If there's no cookie file to be found, this module
automatically displays a boring text you may enter yourself.

If you really want to have fun with this blanker, a good
cookie file is absolutely necessary ;-)

If you don't know what cookies are, think of the funny
signatures you often receive with most of the email you get.
Nobody really append to every email written a few wise lines
of nonsense by hand. These lines are added automatically
by a fortune program which randomly selects some lines out of
a big collection of such texts. Sometimes not only texts,
but whole songs or ascii-pictures can be found in such
The syntax of such cookie files is quite simple. If you don't
have one just create yourself a file, looking like this:
--------------------- snip -----------------
Hello, anybody out there?
Beam me up, Scotty! There's no intelligent life here.
--------------------- snap -----------------
The above would be a cookie file containing two cookies.

Now, just download the module and add lots of funny cookies.
(If you have good and really new cookies send them to me
via email!)

Contents of util/blank/GBCookie.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  914    3212  28.5% -lh5- dcb8 May 11  1997
[generic]                 8018   12524  64.0% -lh5- 9bd2 May 11  1997 Cookie/Cookie
[generic]                 4954   12962  38.2% -lh5- 8601 May 11  1997 Cookie/
[generic]                 1191    2536  47.0% -lh5- 039f May 11  1997 Cookie/
[generic]                  324     562  57.7% -lh5- f3e1 May 11  1997 Cookie/Cookie.ifc
[generic]                  206    2116   9.7% -lh5- 6a65 May 11  1997 Cookie/Cookie.prefs
[generic]                  149     207  72.0% -lh5- f64e May 11  1997 Cookie/Cookie.txt
[generic]                 7995   12428  64.3% -lh5- bede May 11  1997 Cookie/Cookie020
[generic]                 7995   12428  64.3% -lh5- bede May 11  1997 Cookie/Cookie030
[generic]                  914    3212  28.5% -lh5- dcb8 May 11  1997 Cookie/
[generic]                 6574   25976  25.3% -lh5- bc72 May 11  1997 Cookie/Dev/blank.c
[generic]                  324     562  57.7% -lh5- f3e1 May 11  1997 Cookie/Dev/Cookie.ifc
[generic]                  149     207  72.0% -lh5- f64e May 11  1997 Cookie/Dev/Cookie.txt
[generic]                  107     192  55.7% -lh5- bc58 May 11  1997 Cookie/Dev/Cookie_rev.h
[generic]                   37      37 100.0% -lh0- 38ce May 11  1997 Cookie/Dev/LOCAL_SCOPTIONS
[generic]                   92     103  89.3% -lh5- b2d4 May 11  1997 Cookie/Dev/SCOPTIONS
[generic]                 6736   33196  20.3% -lh5- 55ce May 11  1997 Cookie/Install
[generic]                 1207    1638  73.7% -lh5- 7432 May 11  1997 Cookie/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        18 files   47886  124098  38.6%            May 12  1997
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