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Short:19 new filetypes for Opus Magellan
Author: cerber at (Piotr Kazmierczak)
Uploader:cerber key net pl (Piotr Kazmierczak)
Download:util/dopus/19FileTypes.lha - View contents

      19 new filetypes for Opus Magellan especially for CyberGFX showers, AmigaE
sources  &  modules  and  others.  All filetypes works on WorkBench /Workbench =
Magellan :)/ screen default.  In alpha order:

AmigaE Module                    - viewer for AmigE modules
AmigaE Source                    - viewer and editor for AmigaE sources
AmigaGuide                       - viewer for guide's projects
Animation, IFF ANIM              - shower animations under CyberAnim
DiskMasher Archive               - depacker and viewer of DMS
LHA Archive                      - fixed packer, depacker and viewer of LHA
Library                          - viewer of version of libraries
LZX Archive                      - fixed packer, depacker and viewer of LZX
MPEG Movie                       - shower MPEG Movies under MPEGPLAY for CGX
Picture, GIF                     - shower GIF under CyberShow for CGX
Picture, IFF ILBM                - shower IFF ILBM under CyberShow for CGX
Picture, IFF ILBM 12 Bit         - shower IFF ILBM 12 under CyberShow for CGX
Picture, IFF ILBM 24 Bit         - shower IFF ILBM 24 under CyberShow for CGX
Picture, JPEG                    - shower JPEG under CyberShow for CGX
Picture, PCX                     - shower PCX under CyberShow for CGX
Picture, PNG                     - shower PNG under CyberShow for CGX
Sound Module                     - player many modules format under HippoPlayer
XFD                              - depacker and viewer all :) depacked datas
ZIP Archive                      - depacker, packer and viewer of ZIP
      Many programs needed to correctly works for this filetypes NOT included to
this  archive.  All programms are shareware and stored on Aminet.  Have a nice &
easy job with this.  If you have other filetpyes please send me.  Thx
Listing of archive '19FileTypes.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
     140      94 32.8% 26-Dec-97 17:24:30  AmigaE Module
     170     101 40.5% 26-Dec-97 17:26:42  AmigaE Source
     242     154 36.3% 16-Aug-96 00:00:00  AmigaGuide
     138      96 30.4% 05-Nov-97 17:34:10  Animation, IFF ANIM
     196     126 35.7% 26-Dec-97 18:02:42  DiskMasher Archive
     504     263 47.8% 26-Dec-97 18:02:42  LHA Archive
     142     109 23.2% 26-Dec-97 17:29:52  Library
     220     148 32.7% 26-Dec-97 18:02:42  LZX Archive
     176     125 28.9% 06-Dec-97 00:21:42  MPEG Movie
     146     100 31.5% 13-Oct-97 12:21:32  Picture, GIF
     138      95 31.1% 13-Oct-97 12:21:32  Picture, IFF ILBM
     154     121 21.4% 13-Oct-97 12:21:32  Picture, IFF ILBM 12bit
     312     206 33.9% 13-Oct-97 12:21:32  Picture, IFF ILBM 24bit
     152     110 27.6% 13-Oct-97 12:21:32  Picture, JPEG
     256     164 35.9% 13-Oct-97 12:21:32  Picture, PCX
     358     201 43.8% 26-Dec-97 18:02:42  Picture, PNG
     128      84 34.3% 26-Dec-97 18:02:42  Sound Module
     688     440 36.0% 09-Sep-96 16:46:06  XFD
     184     113 38.5% 25-Dec-97 00:27:22  ZIP Archive
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
    4444    2850 35.8% 26-Dec-97 18:10:28   19 files
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      /__/                                /___/-bBå/aZb!               :__/

 latest news (nov 1997):
 - ALN joined as a coder from DINX PROJECT
 - JUMA joined as a graphician
 - TIMER left the scene 
 - ACID left to be in NAH-KOLOR only
 - IRON ANGEL left (barmy army)
 - BLAZE joined as a swapper from FLOPPY^NAH-KOLOR
 - SACHY joined as a coder
 - PSYCHOL#11 was released (21-nov-97)
   were all kicked due to many reasons
 - X-CEED (ex.Snoopy) joined as a musician

 complete memberlist: [APPENDIX]
 MADBART ............ sysop,trader,raytracer,organizer
 TRASH HEAD ......... sysop 
 MADMAN ............. sysop of apx ftp 
 RADAVI.............. sysop
 CERBER.............. sysop
 JACOBS.............. trader    
 ZIUTEK ............. trader 
 INFORMER............ coder  
 SCOUT............... coder
 ALN................. coder
 SACHY............... coder
 JUDAS............... coder, editor
 NEUROMANCER ........ graphician
 RAPPID.............. graphician    
 COOPER.............. graphician  
 JUMA................ graphician
 SUNDANCE............ graphician
 MAG 666............. raytracer
 XTRO ............... raytracer
 SPEEDIE............. raytracer
 SYLWEK.............. raytracer, web masta
 SUPERFML............ musician 
 X-CEED.............. musician
 VOICE .............. musician (commercial)   
 FLAPJACK............ musician,packmaker,co-organizer
 CARSON.............. swapper,fmaker    
 BLAZE............... swapper
 complete memberlist: [PIC SAINT LOUP^APPENDIX]

 ADAMSOFT............ musician, organizer
 SUPERFML............ musician
 TRACKER............. musician
 CLOO................ musician
 QIX................. swapper

 already released productions:
 AGONY            - slide show - 1992                                 
 WAVE SOUNDS      - music disk - 1992                                 
 FIREHOSE         - intro      - 1993    6th at POLISH AUTUMN'93                             
 UNJUST SENTENCE  - trackmo    - 1994    PRIMAVERA'94 
 40K INTRO        - intro      - 1994    INTEL OUTSIDE 1
 PRIMAVERA PARTRO - partro     - 1994                               
 CONTAGION        - trackmo    - 1995    3rd at COMPUTER ART FESTIVAL'95  
 FA! PACK 01-19   - pack       - 1995/96                              
 INTEL INSIDE     - intro      - 1996                               
 OOPS!            - intro      - 1996    1st at GRAVITY'96           
 ZERO GRAVITY     - demo       - 1996    1st at GRAVITY'96                         
 UFU-S            - video demo - 1996    1st at GRAVITY'96                                                                            
 NAVEL            - intro      - 1997    1st at RUSH'97 
 MYSTIQUE         - demo       - 1997    2nd at INTEL OUTSIDE 4
 UFU-S v1.99      - video demo - 1996/97 2nd at INTEL OUTSIDE 4
 INTROKO          - 4k intro   - 1997    
 SPAWN            - intro      - 1997    1st at GRAVITY'97
 PSYCHOL 09-11    - chip pack  - 1997     

 you can call one of our boards:
 THE SECT        · WHQ · +48-91-879493   · MADBART   
 TRASH YARD      · PHQ · +48-22-7248774  · TRASH HEAD
 RADIOACTIVE     · PHQ · +48-58-216107   · CERBER
 WILDPALMS       · NHQ · +31-30-6037959  · RADAVI

Contents of util/dopus/19FileTypes.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                   94     140  67.1% -lh5- 0fc9 Dec 26  1997 AmigaE Module
[generic]                  101     170  59.4% -lh5- b13e Dec 26  1997 AmigaE Source
[generic]                  154     242  63.6% -lh5- 4206 Aug 16  1996 AmigaGuide
[generic]                   96     138  69.6% -lh5- b086 Nov  5  1997 Animation, IFF ANIM
[generic]                  126     196  64.3% -lh5- aec9 Dec 26  1997 DiskMasher Archive
[generic]                  263     504  52.2% -lh5- 8e84 Dec 26  1997 LHA Archive
[generic]                  109     142  76.8% -lh5- 1ba3 Dec 26  1997 Library
[generic]                  148     220  67.3% -lh5- a996 Dec 26  1997 LZX Archive
[generic]                  125     176  71.0% -lh5- adbf Dec  6  1997 MPEG Movie
[generic]                  100     146  68.5% -lh5- 0785 Oct 13  1997 Picture, GIF
[generic]                   95     138  68.8% -lh5- b33d Oct 13  1997 Picture, IFF ILBM
[generic]                  121     154  78.6% -lh5- 8d88 Oct 13  1997 Picture, IFF ILBM 12bit
[generic]                  206     312  66.0% -lh5- 2c93 Oct 13  1997 Picture, IFF ILBM 24bit
[generic]                  110     152  72.4% -lh5- adba Oct 13  1997 Picture, JPEG
[generic]                  164     256  64.1% -lh5- 53cf Oct 13  1997 Picture, PCX
[generic]                  201     358  56.1% -lh5- 13af Dec 26  1997 Picture, PNG
[generic]                   84     128  65.6% -lh5- 53cb Dec 26  1997 Sound Module
[generic]                  440     688  64.0% -lh5- a91d Sep  9  1996 xfd
[generic]                  113     184  61.4% -lh5- b25a Dec 25  1997 ZIP Archive
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        19 files    2850    4444  64.1%            Dec 26  1997
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