Short:        VirusWarning.Guide v3.3 (VHT-DK)
Author:       Virus Help Denmark - Jan Andersen
Uploader:     Jan Andersen, member of Virus Help Denmark, (vht-dk post4 tele dk)
Type:         util/virus
Version:      3.3 (02.07.2001)
Replaces:     util/virus/vht-vg32.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

All the latest virus warnings from "Virus Help Denmark" and Markus
Schmall. A  number of  virus warnings  in format Great
information about  infected  archives, files  and new viruses  and

For the latest viruskillers, please try aminet or our homepage at:
(links to all the latest antivirusprograms for Amiga, PC and Mac.)