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Showing: ppc-morphos icongeneric icon
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
lightsim.lha dev/amos 669 71K 1998-12-18 m68k-amigaos icon LightSim v0.7756. simulates emissions - (readme)
ldosv25d.lha dev/amos 733 75K 1992-10-12 m68k-amigaos icon new AMOS-commands. ARexx and MORE! - (readme)
Langton.lha 1 dev/amos 644 124K 2000-11-14 m68k-amigaos icon A little insect\'s Theory of Everything - (readme)
laffiks_fractal.lha dev/amos 378 4K 2024-07-13 generic icon Laffik's fractal set - (readme)
laby.lha dev/amos 725 47K 1994-11-18 m68k-amigaos icon A simply labyrinth-maker in AMOS (German) - (readme)
KyzerAMOScode.lha dev/amos 751 18K 1997-04-01 generic icon Old AMOS effects (some asm) - (readme)
keystate.lha dev/amos 1146 1K 2024-07-31 generic icon AMOS code to read key states - (readme)
Keyfilemaker.lha dev/amos 826 3K 1999-06-20 generic icon Use keyfiles in your own AMOS programs - (readme)
KDLppACC.lha dev/amos 828 38K 1995-09-30 m68k-amigaos icon Another but very powerful PP accessory - (readme)
jwindows.lha dev/amos 916 401K 1996-04-28 m68k-amigaos icon J-Windows new extension,preview - (readme)
jdlib4_6.lha dev/amos 853 269K 1993-12-01 m68k-amigaos icon Add lots of commands to AMOS Pro! - (readme)
isms.lha dev/amos 678 11K 1996-02-06 generic icon Intelligent Screen Manager System - (readme)
iscreen.lha 1.0 dev/amos 739 3K 1998-11-23 generic icon Treat AMOS screens as Intuition screens. - (readme)
IntuiExtend20b.lha dev/amos 1228 409K 1999-04-01 m68k-amigaos icon Extention for Amos v2.0b/AmosPro v1.12+ - (readme)
intuiextend16.lha dev/amos 969 404K 1998-09-25 m68k-amigaos icon Extention for Amos v1.34/AmosPro v1.12+ - (readme)
introexa.lha dev/amos 835 83K 1996-08-02 generic icon 4 Examples how to do nice intros in Amos - (readme)
InterfaceDesgn.lha dev/amos 755 46K 1994-09-27 m68k-amigaos icon User-interface-designer for amospro. v1.0 - (readme)
interacting_points.lha 9.8.7. dev/amos 524 2K 2024-06-19 generic icon points with interaction - (readme)
IFF2AMOSSource.lha dev/amos 794 79K 1998-12-05 m68k-amigaos icon Converts IFF Pics to Amos Source Code - (readme)
IDCMP.lha dev/amos 770 6K 1994-05-13 generic icon Amos and Intuition. - (readme)
HWA_AMOS1-3.lha 1.00.00. dev/amos 995 5K 2007-12-18 m68k-amigaos icon Port Access Using AMOS1.3 Interpreter - (readme)
hrainbows.lha dev/amos 809 74K 1996-01-22 m68k-amigaos icon AMOS rainbow designer - (readme)
howtohdplay.lha 1.0 dev/amos 667 1K 2000-11-01 generic icon how to play stereo samples from your hd - (readme)
HotSpot.lha dev/amos 668 1K 1995-10-12 generic icon HotSpot changer utility - (readme)
helpacc.lha dev/amos 720 65K 1993-08-04 m68k-amigaos icon Add online help to AMOS v1.3x - (readme)
heart_knog_life.lha 1.6 dev/amos 527 3K 2023-12-29 generic icon coordinates interpolation - (readme)
hdplay.lha 0.72 dev/amos 796 1K 1999-05-02 generic icon plays Samples direct from Disc - (readme)
HAMFade.lha 1.0 dev/amos 988 392K 2012-03-20 m68k-amigaos icon fading a HAM6 image using the blitter - (readme)
guirtgdemo.lha V0.1 dev/amos 823 97K 2002-01-20 m68k-amigaos icon Little RTG Effect Demo with AmosPro - (readme)
GuiExt162.lha 1.62 dev/amos 1066 124K 1997-05-04 m68k-amigaos icon GUI Extension: best Intuition extension - (readme)
GuiComp.lha dev/amos 670 65K 1996-04-30 m68k-amigaos icon GUI compiler V1.1 - (readme)
gtt.lha dev/amos 636 2K 1996-02-06 generic icon Gets tool types in AMOS - (readme)
GameSupport.lha 1.0 dev/amos 1156 85K 2012-04-10 m68k-amigaos icon AMOSPro extension needed by AMRWolfFinal - (readme)
galax.lha dev/amos 730 108K 1996-03-08 generic icon Vertical scroll arcade shooter - (readme)
funkyzator.lha dev/amos 654 13K 1999-05-09 generic icon NEW! makes your text look fUnKy! - (readme)
fundraw.lha dev/amos 683 11K 1999-07-05 generic icon Draw and modify pixel sequences - (readme)
FSelExt.lha dev/amos 753 1K 1994-07-29 generic icon FSel Extension Procedures - (readme)
frankie_and_johnny.lha 5.9.4. dev/amos 478 4K 2024-06-19 generic icon frankie and johnny - (readme)
fpaint.lha dev/amos 682 70K 1999-05-02 m68k-amigaos icon FluxPaint - paint prog (+AMOS src) - (readme)
flight.lha dev/amos 729 1K 1995-10-30 generic icon Preflight check for a lunar lander game - (readme)
FirstExt.lha dev/amos 1056 1K 2000-03-24 m68k-amigaos icon Little Extension AmosPro (Balrog Soft) - (readme)
fileidex.lha 1.0 dev/amos 672 9K 2000-05-03 m68k-amigaos icon AMOS1.3 FileID.Lib +source (German) - (readme)
fanatix.lha dev/amos 650 551K 1998-03-09 m68k-amigaos icon Fanatix intros written in AMOS - (readme)
extensionlist.lha V1.0 dev/amos 673 17K 1997-04-25 m68k-amigaos icon Lists your extensions in AMOSPro - (readme)
ExampleSrc1.lha dev/amos 781 281K 1995-08-30 generic icon Example of AMOS sources - (readme)
Ercole_ext.lha 1.7 dev/amos 804 4K 1996-12-04 m68k-amigaos icon AMOS & AMOSPro Extension - (readme)
ellipse_xct_npt_drggbl.lha 1.0.1. dev/amos 487 6K 2024-02-28 generic icon Dragable ellipse with input - (readme)
ellipse_exact.lha 1.0.1. dev/amos 558 9K 2024-02-13 generic icon Precise solution of ellipse - (readme)
ellipse_algorhytms.lha 7.6.5 dev/amos 535 7K 2024-03-03 generic icon ellipse algorhytms - (readme)
ellipse.lha 1.6 dev/amos 660 15K 2024-02-11 generic icon ellipse targetted 5 points - (readme)
Found 350 matching packages
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