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Short:ByteRatio with FILE_ID.DIZ etc for MAX
Author:Mikael Kinnunen
Uploader:m-24008 mailbox swipnet se
Download:comm/maxs/mbrs20de.lha - View contents

The development in MBRS started sometime in 1994, and has now (-96) come
to its second version, that includes lots of features. 
Here are SOME good ones..

* FILE_ID.DIZ support for LHA, LZH, LZX, DMS, ZIP archives, and all
  kinds of textfiles. 
* Optional byteratio for each user.
* Optional creditfactors for seperate fileareas, and specific files, 
  i.e you are able to set exactly the percentage that will be drawn for
* Free download on all files in a fast way - great for anniversaries.
* You may change descriptions, move, delete, nuke files.
* You may edit users byteratios, set UNLIMITED ratio and allowed downloads.
* Users may raise their own accesses, byteratios when they have uploaded
  enough (compared to what's configured).
* Works fine with multinode-systems.
* Easy for you programmers to write extra doors/utilities for it.

Contents of comm/maxs/mbrs20de.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                43267   91264  47.4% -lh5- b3cf May 31  1996 MBRS/ARCHIVERS/dms
[generic]                33095   53592  61.8% -lh5- ecd1 May 31  1996 MBRS/ARCHIVERS/lha
[generic]                34200   60996  56.1% -lh5- 1487 May 31  1996 MBRS/ARCHIVERS/lzx
[generic]                 6406   10416  61.5% -lh5- dc8d May 31  1996 MBRS/ARCHIVERS/txtextract
[generic]                32107   57596  55.7% -lh5- effe May 31  1996 MBRS/ARCHIVERS/unzip
[generic]                11704   21144  55.4% -lh5- 8dc8 Sep 11  1996 MBRS/AutoRaiser
[generic]                 8646   13532  63.9% -lh5- 59bc Sep  9  1996 MBRS/CleanUp
[generic]                  226     474  47.7% -lh5- 46a2 May 23  1996 MBRS/CONFIG/AutoRaiser.cfg
[generic]                    5       5 100.0% -lh0- 1f1f Oct 10  1995 MBRS/CONFIG/DefaultByteAcc.cfg
[generic]                    1       1 100.0% -lh0- d4c1 Dec 16  1994 MBRS/CONFIG/DefaultRatio.cfg
[generic]                   86     117  73.5% -lh5- da81 Nov 18  1995 MBRS/CONFIG/DescHeader.text
[generic]                  189     866  21.8% -lh5- b944 May 28  1996 MBRS/CONFIG/DLHeader.text
[generic]                   59      70  84.3% -lh5- 6d47 May 12  1996 MBRS/CONFIG/DLoad.cfg
[generic]                  198     987  20.1% -lh5- 8aa5 Jan  6  1996 MBRS/CONFIG/DownLoad.text
[generic]                  477    1098  43.4% -lh5- d17b Nov  7  1995 MBRS/CONFIG/FileArea.cfg
[generic]                   31      34  91.2% -lh5- cb79 Nov 15  1995 MBRS/CONFIG/FileDevices.cfg
[generic]                  373     917  40.7% -lh5- fb40 May 26  1996 MBRS/CONFIG/FileLister.cfg
[generic]                  601    1294  46.4% -lh5- 6c29 Mar 10  1995 MBRS/CONFIG/FileListerHelp.text
[generic]                  595    2189  27.2% -lh5- abf6 Sep  5  1996 MBRS/CONFIG/FilesMenu.text
[generic]                   86     181  47.5% -lh5- 0465 May 22  1996 MBRS/CONFIG/Paused.text
[generic]                   18      18 100.0% -lh0- 8214 Oct 10  1995 MBRS/CONFIG/SpecialFiles.cfg
[generic]                   72      95  75.8% -lh5- 7290 May 30  1996 MBRS/CONFIG/ULoad.cfg
[generic]                  427    1075  39.7% -lh5- 12bc May 12  1996 MBRS/CONFIG/ULRules.text
[generic]                  486    1833  26.5% -lh5- 286c Sep  5  1996 MBRS/CONFIG/UserStats.text
[generic]                10364   16564  62.6% -lh5- 44ed Sep  9  1996 MBRS/DescStarter
[generic]                    3       3 100.0% -lh0- bb06 Sep  5  1996 MBRS/DL/Mikael_Kinnunen
[generic]                12113   19288  62.8% -lh5- 1845 Sep  9  1996 MBRS/DLCheck
[generic]                16172   28604  56.5% -lh5- 1942 Sep 11  1996 MBRS/DLoad
[generic]                 7173   26155  27.4% -lh5- 04f2 Sep 11  1996 MBRS/DOCS/MBRS20.doc
[generic]                 7324   26811  27.3% -lh5- 1652 Sep 11  1996 MBRS/DOCS/
[generic]                   17      17 100.0% -lh0- ba95 Sep  5  1996 MBRS/EXTRA/Mikael_Kinnunen
[generic]                 9962   16212  61.4% -lh5- 63e7 Sep 11  1996 MBRS/FileArea
[generic]                13964   24240  57.6% -lh5- d236 Sep 11  1996 MBRS/FileEditor
[generic]                20488   40060  51.1% -lh5- cc02 Sep 11  1996 MBRS/FileListerCNEW
[generic]                20796   40540  51.3% -lh5- c056 Sep 11  1996 MBRS/FileListerCSRC
[generic]                20173   39440  51.1% -lh5- 7a9f Sep 11  1996 MBRS/FileListerFORW
[generic]                20565   40204  51.2% -lh5- 30be Sep 11  1996 MBRS/FileListerGNEW
[generic]                20904   40664  51.4% -lh5- c4e5 Sep 11  1996 MBRS/FileListerGSRC
[generic]                20297   39492  51.4% -lh5- 5c6e Sep 11  1996 MBRS/FileListerRVRS
[generic]                19558   19634  99.6% -lh5- 51c1 Sep 11  1996 MBRS/Screenshots.LZX
[generic]                   15      15 100.0% -lh0- cd6b Sep  5  1996 MBRS/UL/Mikael_Kinnunen
[generic]                 9507   15892  59.8% -lh5- bb00 Sep  9  1996 MBRS/ULCheck
[generic]                15407   27920  55.2% -lh5- d1b6 Sep 11  1996 MBRS/ULoad
[generic]                10642   18068  58.9% -lh5- d525 Sep  9  1996 MBRS/ULStarter
[generic]                 7837   12780  61.3% -lh5- ef6a Sep  9  1996 MBRS/UnMarkAll
[generic]                 8390   12804  65.5% -lh5- f22a Sep  9  1996 MBRS/Update
[generic]                12592   21280  59.2% -lh5- 44ba Sep 11  1996 MBRS/UserEditor
[generic]                 9144   14988  61.0% -lh5- 6cf6 Sep  9  1996 MBRS/UserStatistics
[generic]                  453     991  45.7% -lh5- f15d Sep  6  1996 file_id.diz
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        49 files  467215  862460  54.2%            Sep 14  1996
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