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Short:GUI creation library - developer v37.10
Author:P-O Yliniemi / Staffan Hämälä
Uploader:peoyli algonet se (P-O Yliniemi)
Download:dev/gui/gutil_dev.lha - View contents

Some examples may have weird names (for those who don't understand swedish),
and some text files may be in swedish. This will be fixed in a later release.
Contact me if there is any problem using any of the examples or the docs.

Two versions of the .library file is available with this developer package.
One is the "normal" library, and the other one prints out a lot of info when
executing a program that uses GadUtil.

If you need to use the debug version, rename the normal version in libs:,
copy the debug version to libs, and rename it to gadutil.library. Reverse
this to change back to the normal version. Don't forget to "flush" all
unused libraries or reboot before testing the program again.

All necessary files for Asm & C development are included.

Changes overview:
* 37.10 (28-Sep-97)
        GU_NoCreate now works on individual gadgets. Useful to create invisible
        gadgets that helps you place the other objects in the window.

        6 new tags added that will allow you to save the object's calculated left,
        top, right and bottom edge, as well as the gadget's width and height.

        E includes added to the distribution.

* 37.9  (22-Dec-96)
        6 new tags added for the help functions. It is now possible to set a default
        help text that will be shown if no gadget is under the pointer.

        GU_DefWTitle            - default window title
        GU_DefLocWTitle         - localized window title
        GU_DefSTitle            - default screen title
        GU_DefLocSTitle         - localized screen title
        GU_DefHelpText          - default help text
        GU_DefLocHelpText       - localized help text

        A little bug removed from the help routines. Versions beore 37.9 could
        display two different help text at the same time (in different gadgets or
        the screen or window title).

        A new include file is included in the distribution now. Now it should be
        possible to compile the examples with older versions of the system include
        files (OS 2.0x includes are supported now)

        A third archive with the HTML version of the GadUtil documentation is
        included in the distribution now. Also included with this archive is some
        pictures of applications using GadUtil.

        The distribution has changed a bit, resulting in that the archive with all
        files became smaller (developer archive only).

* 37.8  (15-Jul-96)
        Some bug fixes in the new help functions. If 0 was used as data on a GU_HelpText
        tag with a gadget that shows the help text in the window's or screen's title,
        there were some enforcer hits

        Deleted the separate autodoc files. Appended some information on the contents of
        the GU_Public structure to the autodocs. More info about SCRTITLE_HELP and
        WINTITLE_HELP was also appended.

        Changed the help function so that all gadgets and title bars that are used to
        display help strings is cleared if the mouse pointer is outside all gadgets that
        have help texts.

* 37.7  (12-Jul-96)
	Bug fix in the prototype for GU_ChangeStr (two parameters was mixed up).

	GU_ChangeStr now works for both STRING_KIND and TEXT_KIND gadgets. If the
	gadget isn't a STRING or TEXT gadget nothing is done.

	Bug fix in GU_CoordsInGadBox function. The register D3 was trashed in all
	earlier versions of GU.

	Three new tags allows any STRING or TEXT_KIND gadget to show a (localized)
	help text for each gadget in the window. These tags also works with the
	special gadgets (BEVELBOX, LABEL, PROGRESS). The gadgets attached to the
	window is scanned in sequential order. If a BEVELBOX_KIND gadget matches
	the pointer position, this gadget's help string will have the lowest
	priority. If another BEVELBOX is found inside this, the help string for
	that one will be used if there is no gadget inside that box. The help
	text can also be displayed in the window/screen title.

	value can now be read from the gu_Active field in the structure	that
	gg_UserData points to.

* 37.6  (15-Jun-96)
	gu_Active in the structure that gg_UserData points to was not updated
	when using any routine that used GU_SetGadgetAttrsA(). Now it checks
	the gu_Active value to see if it is out of the gadget's limits.

	gng_Flags and gng_GadgetText is now cleared before creation of every
	new gadget.

	The LAYOUTA_Spacing tag for LISTVIEW_KIND gadgets is now used to
	determine the height of the gadget. If the height of a gadget should
	be about 4 lines (GU_HeightFactor, 4), the height of the gadget is
	calculated to 4*(font height+value of LAYOUTA_Spacing tag). The same
	method is used for the GU_AddHeiLines tag.

	Hotkeys for LISTVIEW_KIND gadgets works as they should again. In v37.5
	of GadUtil (and probably some earlier ones), the listview didn't scroll
	down when you selected the next entry.

	Inserted pragmas and prototypes for tagcalls (pragmas only for SAS/C).
	It is possible to create stub routines for the tagcalls for other
	compilers by using fd2pragma 2.0.

	Inserted links to the include files in the index file for

* 37.5  (29-May-96)
	Bug in PROGRESS_KIND gadget removed. If the gadget was set to
	show x/0 (also 0/0), a division by zero was done.

	Two new constants added to the include files: GADUTIL_VER and
	Bug fixes in test (demo) programs. The FPF_DISKFONT flag in the
	TextAttr structure was unset in all demo programs. Replaced the
	manual version check in the demo programs with the GadUtil function
	GU_CheckVersion. Removed unnecessary IDCMP flags from the demo
	programs and replaced GadTools IDCMP with the GU_MinimumIDCMP tag.

* 37.4  (14-May-96)
	Created a new gadget kind: LABEL_KIND. This gadget kind is used
	to place text relative to other gadgets, bevel boxes, and other
	texts. Can use the same type of shadows that the text for the
	bevel box.

	Implemented a new function in the library: GU_CloseFont. Works
	like graphics CloseFont, but takes the parameter in A0 instead
	of A1.

	Replaced the list sort routine with a new one that sorts better.

	Wrote a new document, "GadUtil.index", that have a list over all
	gadutil functions, sorted by what they do. There are also some
	shortcuts to all tags for gadutil's own gadget kinds.

	Created two new flags for BEVELBOX_KIND and LABEL_KIND:
	BB_3DTEXT - can be used as a replacement for GUBB_3DText, TRUE
	LB_3DTEXT - can be used as a replacement for GULB_3DText, TRUE
* 37.3  (10-May-96)
	Enforcer hits fixed in the code that handles the GU_AdjustLeft
	and GU_AdjustRight tags.

	A new function to clear the inner part of a window was added.

	A new function to size (and move, if necessary) a window was

	Bug fix in assembly language include file.

* 37.2  (02-May-96)
	Started programming in StormC and did some tests with the library,
	noticed that there was a couple of errors in some include files.

	GU_UpdateProgress was wrongly specified in the FD/clib files.
	The output of GU_GetGadgetPtr was specified as (struct Gadget *),
	this is now corrected.

	Included an example in C that uses the PROGRESS_KIND gadget.

* 37.1  (01-May-96)
	IMAGE_KIND gadget bug fix. The color of the unselected image of
	the gadget was wrong, if the image used more than 4 colors.

* 37.0  (29-Apr-96)
	A new function that checks the library's revision added.
	Two new tags added: GU_FractWidth and GU_FractHeight. Suggested
	by Morten Amundsen.

	Some small bug fixes in 'C' include files (unterminated comments).
	Cleaned up BetterTest.c a bit (removed some {}). Bug fix on the
	last line of the example (GT_ReplyIMsg -> GU_ReplyIMsg).

	Added support for StormC in both installer script and include-
	file installer. Created dictionary for StormC, so that all words
	that belongs to GadUtil (functions, tags and constants) is shown
	in another color.

* 36.60 (24-Feb-96)
	Uses the screen's font as the gadget font if no GU_DefTextAttr or
	GU_TextAttr tag is used. Bug fix from v36.59. Changed some docs,
	assembled all examples,	changed installation scripts.

* 36.59 (06-Jan-96)
	More docs completed (all docs, finally). Bug fix in the GU_AutoWidth,
	GU_AdjustLeft and GU_AdjustRight tags. The underscore character was
	counted as a normal one. This made gadgets without hotkeys one char
	smaller than other gadgets. A new function that sorts one or two
	lists was added. Some new constants added in include files.
	Changed GU_MinimumIDCMP to support hotkeys. Changed PROGRESS_KIND
	to use GU_GadgetText and GU_LocaleText. Uses the screen's font as
	the gadget font if no GU_DefTextAttr or GU_TextAttr tag is used.

* 36.58 (01-Jan-96)
	SLIDER_KIND and SCROLLER_KIND gadgets returned wrong result in
	im->Code if the gadget was changes using the hotkey. Bug reported
	by Lukasz Szelag.

* 36.57 (10-Dec-95)
	Some more docs finished. A memory loss bug was fixed.

* 36.56 (10-Oct-95)
	Changed some routines, so that hotkeys can't be used on disabled
	gadgets. Made it possible to disable IMAGE_KIND, FILE_KIND and
	DRAWER_KIND gadgets.

* 36.55 (30-Sep-95)
	Bug fix in the hotkey part of the library. Wrong code were sent back
	when using GU_LabelHotkey with a LISTVIEW_KIND gadget. A new gadget
	kind was created, PROGRESS_KIND.

* 36.54 (06-Jul-95)
	Added support for GU_AutoWidth to CYCLE_KIND gadgets.

* 36.53 (05-Jul-95) 
	3 new tags and 4 new flags was added for the BEVELBOX_KIND gadget.
	BEVELBOX_KIND gadgets can now have a shadow added to the text in the
	border. The "sun" can be placed in 4 different places. GU_MinimumIDCMP
	tag was added.

* 36.52 (25-Jun-95)
	First public release. Some new flags for the BEVELBOX_KIND gadget was
	added. Supports a total of 100 bevelbox kinds.

                                          P-O 961222

                            GadUtil.library v37.9
    GadUtil is another gui library which main goal was to make it easy to
    create font sensitive user interfaces. The library has grown away from
    this main goal, and become another useful-routine-library.


        1) Distribution of this library is allowed in two ways:
             ¹) Only the .library file(s)
             ²) The complete distribution

        2) Programmers of totally free software can use and distribute this
          library for free.

        3) Programmers of Shareware, Licensware, commercial products and other
           programs that the programmer get any kind of profit from shall send
           a fully working (and registered) copy of the program and its docs to
           us. All larger updates of the program should also be sent to us.
        4) Programmers of non-free software not covered by 1) and 2) (my Diskware
           concept belongs to this group) shall be treated as in 3) (a fully
           working and registered copy...).

        5) All programs (except commercial products in some cases) must state
           that gadutil.library is used. This may be done in either the About
           requester or in the documentation, but best of all in both places.

           Demonstration programs for gadutil.library (that includes the full
           source) may be distributed without this note.

           Example for inclusion in About requester:

                "This program uses gadutil.library, which
                 is Copyright © 1994-1996 by P-O Yliniemi
                 and Staffan Hämälä."

        6) All localized programs that uses this library should include the
           .ct file(s) to allow anyone to translate that program into their
           own language.

    Below is a list of some of the main functions covered by this library.

      WRITTEN IN ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE. NO F*CKING 'C' or any other slow language!

    * Font adaptive. Use any of the system fonts and most other fonts for
      gadgets, texts and menus. All gadgets are placed relative to each
      other, but can be placed at absolute positions (needed for the first

    * No need to use GIMMEZEROZERO windows, as this is automatically handled
      by the library. If you specify a gadget position of 10,10 the gadget
      will be placed at 10,10 within the window's border.

    * Localized. It is really easy to localize all your (new) programs by
      using this library. Functions and macros for creating localized menus
      are supplied.

    * Both assembly and 'C' language support. This is one of the things that is
      missing in most of the other gui libraries. Some extra macros are defined
      for assembly language users, and will make the gadget and menu creating
      process even more easy.

    * All GadTools gadgets are supported. Some extra functions are provided
      for ListViews. BUTTON_KIND (and IMAGE_KIND) gadgets have some extra tags,
      including a toggle-select option.

      6 extended gadget types are handled by the library:
        · FILE_KIND     - gadget for selecting a file.

        · DRAWER_KIND   - gadget for selecting a drawer. Most programs also
                         use this gadget for file selection.

        · IMAGE_KIND    - uses an intuition image for the gadget. Can use
                          different images for selected and non-selected state.

        · BEVELBOX_KIND - gadtools bevelboxes, with some extensions. All
                          gadtools bevelboxes are supported (even with v37).
                          Extensions allows text to be placed above, in or below
                          the upper line of the box. All kinds can be inverted.

                          New for v36.52: Bevelbox text placement extended.
                          3 new placements available together with the old
                          ones: centered, left adjusted & right adjusted.

                          BFT_BUTTON   - GT v37 BUTTON_KIND border
                          BFT_RIDGE    - GT v37 STRING_KIND border
                          BFT_DROPBOX  - GT v39 BBFT_ICONDROPBOX border
                          BFT_HORIZBAR - A horizontal shadowed line
                          BFT_VERTBAR  - A vertical shadowed line

                          This makes it a total of 100 bevel box types. The bevel
                          boxes are treated as gadgets by the library, and you
                          can obtain the structure for the bevelbox in the same
                          way as you get the gadget pointer.

                          New for v36.53: Added optional shadow on bevel box text.
                          The shadow has a selectable color/pen and the "sun" can
                          be placed in four different positions.

        · PROGRESS_KIND - progress indicator gadget. Background and fill color
                          can be selected. Supports values up to 4.294.967.295,
                          but maximum value should not exceed 4.294.967.295/width.

	· LABEL_KIND    - a text label that can be placed relative to other texts,
			  gadgets, bevelboxes and progress indicators.

    * Can create the minimum required IDCMP mask so that all gadgets works.

    * A new OpenFont (graphics.library and diskfont.library replacement) is supplied.
      This function will open any font (from RAM, ROM or load it from disk).

    * Functions for listviews include adding nodes (memory for the string is
      allocated by the function), counting nodes, getting node pointers, clearing
      a listview, attach and detach lists, moving nodes up and down. A function
      that allows you to sort one or two lists is included from v36.59.

    * No need to open gadtools.library anymore, since all gadtools functions are
      provided through this library. Some (the most useable) functions from locale
      library are also provided by gadutil.

    * Many libraries are opened through gadutil.library, and these library bases
      are available for your own use (you don't have to open or close some libs).

    * All gadgets are created using tag lists. Every next gadget will use the
      previous gadgets values as defaults. Only one call to the gadget making
      routine is needed for every gadget list.

    * All gadgets can have their own hotkey. No extra work is needed by the
      programmer (only one extra tag).

    * All gadgets (and bevelboxes, texts and progress displays) can have a help
      string attached to it. If the pointer is moved above that object, a
      selectable string or text gadget will be used to display the help string.
      The help string can be localized.

    * Distributed with lots of examples, mostly in assembly language, but also
      in 'C'.

    * Other functions include:

        · Status change for toggle select buttons.

        · String change for STRING and TEXT_KIND gadgets.

        · Disable functions for all gadget kinds (new for 36.56).

        · Routines to set up a busy-pointer (available for both v37 and v39). These
          routines also blocks the input to the main window of the program.

        · Routine to check if the mouse pointer is within a gadgets box. Useful
          for mouse-position sensitive appwindows.

        · Bevelbox and window refreshing functions.

	· Functions to clear and size/move windows

      WRITTEN IN ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE. NO F*CKING 'C' or any other slow language!

        Per-Olof Yliniemi                           Staffan Hämälä
        Aspvägen 4E                                 Vegagatan 2 3TR
        SE-957 32 Övertorneå                        SE-172 34 Sundbyberg
        SWEDEN                                      SWEDEN

        email:                                      email:



Contents of dev/gui/gutil_dev.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  435     832  52.3% -lh5- 9718 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/
[generic]                  600    1328  45.2% -lh5- 5f91 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/
[generic]                  577    1309  44.1% -lh5- b3d5 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/
[generic]                  450     904  49.8% -lh5- 0144 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/
[generic]                 1465    3770  38.9% -lh5- 9829 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/AmigaE/Docs/
[generic]                 2659    5436  48.9% -lh5- 6796 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/AmigaE/Examples/bettertest
[generic]                 3630   11378  31.9% -lh5- e07d Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/AmigaE/Examples/BetterTest.e
[generic]                  449     943  47.6% -lh5- c2d1 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/AmigaE/modules/gadutil.m
[generic]                  604    1388  43.5% -lh5- 1767 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/AmigaE/modules/gadutil_lvo.m
[generic]                 5977   21728  27.5% -lh5- e24e Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/AmigaE/modules/libraries/gadutil.e
[generic]                 2052    5018  40.9% -lh5- b1cf Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/AmigaE/modules/libraries/gadutil.m
[generic]                  440     900  48.9% -lh5- ac1d Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/
[generic]                  144     296  48.6% -lh5- 8b2c Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/CatalogUtils/
[generic]                13027   23292  55.9% -lh5- ddc0 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/CatalogUtils/FlexCat
[generic]                14536   47196  30.8% -lh5- 088d Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/CatalogUtils/
[generic]                  684    1841  37.2% -lh5- 92e9 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/CatalogUtils/FlexCat_Quick.doc
[generic]                  156     303  51.5% -lh5- 7269 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/CatalogUtils/
[generic]                  441     900  49.0% -lh5- 32ea Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/
[generic]                20674   59892  34.5% -lh5- f54e Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/
[generic]                20961   60443  34.7% -lh5- 5fb8 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/
[generic]                 1328    7342  18.1% -lh5- db5f Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/gadtools.tags
[generic]                26073   94904  27.5% -lh5- 0f46 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/GadUtil.doc
[generic]                 1236    6403  19.3% -lh5- e1e2 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/GadUtil.index
[generic]                11215   33227  33.8% -lh5- 6dc8 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/GadUtil.Manual
[generic]                 7063   18963  37.2% -lh5- 26f4 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/GadUtil_dev.readme
[generic]                 5943   34012  17.5% -lh5- bfc7 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/GadUtil_doc_to_guide.pch
[generic]                  422    1263  33.4% -lh5- 0161 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/GadUtil_html.readme
[generic]                 4323   10867  39.8% -lh5- 1de8 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/GadUtil_usr.readme
[generic]                 1747    3945  44.3% -lh5- 0ef7 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/GUtil_377_CSAA.txt
[generic]                  297     511  58.1% -lh5- b26b Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/gutil_dev_up.readme
[generic]                  301     517  58.2% -lh5- 639c Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/gutil_html_up.readme
[generic]                 4494    4494 100.0% -lh0- c812 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/pics/Applications/DiskDupe.gif
[generic]                 7036    7036 100.0% -lh0- 29e5 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/pics/Applications/MemTest.gif
[generic]                 3167    3167 100.0% -lh0- da15 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/pics/Applications/ModuleInfo.gif
[generic]                 4044    4044 100.0% -lh0- f5d6 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/pics/Applications/TrapTimer.gif
[generic]                 5553    5553 100.0% -lh0- 5093 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/pics/Demos/ClickMap.gif
[generic]                 3802    3802 100.0% -lh0- 4bb4 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/pics/Demos/Demo1.gif
[generic]                 3539    3539 100.0% -lh0- bb8a Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/pics/Demos/Demo2.gif
[generic]                 5227    5227 100.0% -lh0- 6d81 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/pics/Demos/Demo3.gif
[generic]                 1633    1633 100.0% -lh0- 42b1 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/pics/Demos/Demo4.gif
[generic]                11807   11807 100.0% -lh0- 7912 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/pics/MagicMail/MainWindow.gif
[generic]                12666   12666 100.0% -lh0- f6fc Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/pics/MagicMail/PrefsWindow.gif
[generic]                10066   10066 100.0% -lh0- d25e Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/pics/MagicMail/ReaderWindow.gif
[generic]                   97     340  28.5% -lh5- 512e Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Docs/PrivateFunctions
[generic]                  441     900  49.0% -lh5- 5454 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/
[generic]                 1384    2524  54.8% -lh5- 8a84 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/AGuideTest
[generic]                 4441   14001  31.7% -lh5- b440 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/AGuideTest.s
[generic]                  230     564  40.8% -lh5- 2e5a Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/
[generic]                  625    1261  49.6% -lh5- 6e58 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/AnyProgram/- Läs den här -
[generic]                 1910    3372  56.6% -lh5- fabb Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/AnyProgram/AnyProgram
[generic]                  622    1280  48.6% -lh5- 20e0 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/AnyProgram/
[generic]                  872    1766  49.4% -lh5- 6ef4 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/AnyProgram/anyprogram.ct
[generic]                 7231   22667  31.9% -lh5- 4e72 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/AnyProgram/AnyProgram.s
[generic]                  226     564  40.1% -lh5- 1362 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/
[generic]                 4598    7988  57.6% -lh5- 12c3 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/BetterTest-C/BetterTest
[generic]                 3508   12088  29.0% -lh5- efd9 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/BetterTest-C/BetterTest.c
[generic]                  395     835  47.3% -lh5- a9c1 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/BetterTest-C/
[generic]                  134     229  58.5% -lh5- b553 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/BetterTest-C/led.asm
[generic]                  100     120  83.3% -lh5- cee2 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/BetterTest-C/led.o
[generic]                  232     564  41.1% -lh5- d65f Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/
[generic]                 1737    3252  53.4% -lh5- 1135 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/BetterTest/BetterTest
[generic]                  338     653  51.8% -lh5- 49cf Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/BetterTest/
[generic]                  324     563  57.5% -lh5- 9afd Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/BetterTest/BetterTest.ct
[generic]                 5062   17163  29.5% -lh5- e4d8 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/BetterTest/BetterTest.s
[generic]                  260     446  58.3% -lh5- ddc4 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/BetterTest/Catalogs/Svenska/BetterTest.catalog
[generic]                  833    1960  42.5% -lh5- 60f3 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/BevelTest
[generic]                 2797    9982  28.0% -lh5- 718f Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/BevelTest.s
[generic]                  507    1292  39.2% -lh5- c9e8 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/ExternTestInit.s
[generic]                  781    1328  58.8% -lh5- d176 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/FractWidHei
[generic]                 2853    8448  33.8% -lh5- d43b Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/FractWidHei.s
[generic]                 2631    7194  36.6% -lh5- 48a7 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/GadToolsBug.s
[generic]                  661     988  66.9% -lh5- 4733 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/GadToolsBug1
[generic]                  648     968  66.9% -lh5- c781 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/GadToolsBug2
[generic]                 1155    1940  59.5% -lh5- fdc1 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/LVTest
[generic]                 4456   13919  32.0% -lh5- f108 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/LVTest.s
[generic]                  433     900  48.1% -lh5- a206 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/
[generic]                 3651    6360  57.4% -lh5- 387b Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/MoreExamples-C/demo
[generic]                 3324   11969  27.8% -lh5- 8718 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/MoreExamples-C/demo.c
[generic]                  388     835  46.5% -lh5- 84ff Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/MoreExamples-C/
[generic]                 5052    7976  63.3% -lh5- 0ad6 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/MoreExamples-C/Window_Test
[generic]                 5726   19272  29.7% -lh5- ff71 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/MoreExamples-C/Window_Test.c
[generic]                  397     835  47.5% -lh5- 38fd Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/MoreExamples-C/
[generic]                  435     900  48.3% -lh5- 6904 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/
[generic]                 1042    2352  44.3% -lh5- aa78 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/MoreExamples/demo
[generic]                 3513   12708  27.6% -lh5- 51f9 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/MoreExamples/demo.s
[generic]                 3819   14047  27.2% -lh5- 9356 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/MoreExamples/HomePageMap.s
[generic]                 5050   17493  28.9% -lh5- 17af Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/mytestprog.s
[generic]                 1341    2672  50.2% -lh5- 877f Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/mytestprog1
[generic]                 1689    3252  51.9% -lh5- c0c6 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/mytestprog2
[generic]                  232     564  41.1% -lh5- 2613 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/
[generic]                  226     360  62.8% -lh5- 681b Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/OldInternal/Catalogs/Svenska/internaltest.catalog
[generic]                  258     461  56.0% -lh5- eb00 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/OldInternal/
[generic]                  279     447  62.4% -lh5- 078d Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/OldInternal/internaltest.ct
[generic]                 1498    2896  51.7% -lh5- ba59 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/OldInternal/OldInternal
[generic]                 3792   13664  27.8% -lh5- 2b8e Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/OldInternal/OldInternal.s
[generic]                  230     564  40.8% -lh5- 2b5b Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/
[generic]                  989    1852  53.4% -lh5- 8003 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/OldTestProgs/GadUtilLibTest
[generic]                 2777   10112  27.5% -lh5- 8f7c Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/OldTestProgs/GadUtilLibTest.s
[generic]                 1537    2400  64.0% -lh5- 5d3d Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/OldTestProgs/HotKeysTest
[generic]                 5298   16625  31.9% -lh5- 22f0 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/OldTestProgs/HotKeysTest.s
[generic]                 1207    2244  53.8% -lh5- 7704 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/OldTestProgs/TBLR_test
[generic]                 3219   11578  27.8% -lh5- caef Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/OldTestProgs/TBLR_test.s
[generic]                 1055    1996  52.9% -lh5- 1c0c Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/OldTestProgs/TBLR_test2
[generic]                  761    1272  59.8% -lh5- a799 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/ThreeGadgets
[generic]                 2781    8059  34.5% -lh5- ff52 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Examples/ThreeGadgets.s
[generic]                  438     900  48.7% -lh5- f484 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/
[generic]                14574   25044  58.2% -lh5- 07b5 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/ExtraCmds/AskEnv
[generic]                 8650   16676  51.9% -lh5- 0165 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/ExtraCmds/fd2pragma
[generic]                 1289    2754  46.8% -lh5- 24d6 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/ExtraCmds/fd2pragma.readme
[generic]                 9849   15920  61.9% -lh5- 74d0 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/ExtraCmds/scompare
[generic]                 9285   14636  63.4% -lh5- db5d Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/ExtraCmds/spatch
[generic]                 3511    5932  59.2% -lh5- 9c16 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/ExtraCmds/XIcon
[generic]                  370     959  38.6% -lh5- a891 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/icons/
[generic]                  761    1276  59.6% -lh5- fbf2 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/icons/
[generic]                   45      45 100.0% -lh0- f967 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/icons/EditorCommands1
[generic]                   35      35 100.0% -lh0- 3323 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/icons/EditorCommands2
[generic]                   71      96  74.0% -lh5- 3dd8 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/icons/EditorScript
[generic]                  439     900  48.8% -lh5- b152 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/
[generic]                 1038    3521  29.5% -lh5- 4d19 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Include/clib/gadutil_protos.h
[generic]                 1126    4389  25.7% -lh5- 1ad9 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Include/clib/gadutil_protos_SAS.h
[generic]                  996    2615  38.1% -lh5- 5101 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Include/FD/gadutil_lib.fd
[generic]                  463    1000  46.3% -lh5- 1c02 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Include/gadutil_20to30comp.h
[generic]                  457     921  49.6% -lh5- 3cfc Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Include/gadutil_20to30comp.i
[generic]                 5962   22821  26.1% -lh5- ef09 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Include/libraries/gadutil.h
[generic]                 6185   22326  27.7% -lh5- 5f46 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Include/libraries/gadutil.i
[generic]                 1186    3706  32.0% -lh5- ce10 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Include/libraries/gadutil_lib.i
[generic]                10297   44160  23.3% -lh5- 07af Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Include/LVOs.i
[generic]                  129     185  69.7% -lh5- fbeb Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Include/proto/gadutil.h
[generic]                  346     795  43.5% -lh5- 4c56 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Include/StormC/GadUtil Functions.dic
[generic]                 1011    2922  34.6% -lh5- f988 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Include/StormC/GadUtil Types.dic
[generic]                 6669   28447  23.4% -lh5- 3d0f Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Install
[generic]                 1011    1858  54.4% -lh5- 6736 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/
[generic]                  748    4589  16.3% -lh5- 4fa0 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/install.script
[generic]                 1467    4647  31.6% -lh5- 1de8 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/Install_User
[generic]                 1009    1857  54.3% -lh5- 169f Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/
[generic]                  530    1422  37.3% -lh5- d9c1 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/InstallInc.gad
[generic]                  319     541  59.0% -lh5- c9ad Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/
[generic]                  438     900  48.7% -lh5- 6c9b Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/
[generic]                 8122   13648  59.5% -lh5- d976 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/libs/gadutil.library
[generic]                11433   23448  48.8% -lh5- 33e0 Oct  5  1997 GadUtil/libs/gadutil.library_dbg
[generic]                  550     900  61.1% -lh5- 6241 Oct  5  1997
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       141 files  447840 1128700  39.7%            Oct  6  1997
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