84782 packages online


Showing: ppc-morphos icongeneric icon
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Found 198 matching packages
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
MegaDrive-01.lha pix/gicon 396 422K 2003-06-17 generic icon Megadrive/Genesis Games GlowIcons Vol.1 - (readme)
mapPlugMI.lha 1st Release - Freeware pix/gicon 361 14K 2002-10-13 generic icon A GlowIconsSet for mapPlug - (readme)
MameRomGI-02.lha pix/gicon 469 1.3M 2003-02-11 generic icon MAME ROM GlowIcons Vol.2 - (readme)
MameRomGI-01.lha pix/gicon 427 972K 2002-11-17 generic icon MAME ROM GlowIcons Vol.1 - (readme)
MacGlow2.lha pix/gicon 577 361K 2002-10-14 generic icon 278 Macintosh Icons converted to GlowIcons - (readme)
MacGlow.lha 1.0 pix/gicon 530 182K 2002-10-05 generic icon 114 Macintosh Icons converted to GlowIcons - (readme)
Lucy35Icons.lha May 2000 pix/gicon 332 358K 2000-06-11 generic icon OS3.5 Icons for many Games - (readme)
LS_Glow.lha 1.0 (07.12.99) pix/gicon 354 4K 1999-12-28 generic icon LS-120 GlowIcon for OS3.5 - (readme)
lost.lha pix/gicon 566 151K 2006-01-13 generic icon Ken\'s Lost Icons - (readme)
lch-JapIcons6.lha pix/gicon 420 37K 2001-06-07 generic icon Japanesque GlowIcons for Os 3.5 pack 6 - (readme)
lch-JapIcons5.lha pix/gicon 416 99K 2001-04-27 generic icon Japanesque GlowIcons for Os 3.5 pack 5 - (readme)
lch-JapIcons4.lha pix/gicon 422 78K 2001-04-18 generic icon Japanesque GlowIcons for Os 3.5 pack 4 - (readme)
lch-JapIcons3.lha pix/gicon 414 101K 2001-03-30 generic icon Japanesque GlowIcons for Os 3.5 pack 3 - (readme)
lch-JapIcons2.lha pix/gicon 408 43K 2000-07-26 generic icon Japanesque GlowIcons for Os 3.5 pack 2 - (readme)
lch-JapIcons.lha 1.0 pix/gicon 432 30K 2000-03-11 generic icon Japanesque GlowIcons for Os 3.5 - (readme)
kof2kxIcons.lha pix/gicon 349 106K 2003-05-25 generic icon King Of Fighters 2KX glow icons - (readme)
JUE-Icons.lha 0.1ß :-) pix/gicon 416 284K 1999-11-16 generic icon My first GlowIcon-Archiv (not complete!) - (readme)
JMG_Icons.lha 1.0 pix/gicon 418 83K 1999-11-24 generic icon Icons package (GlowIcon format) - (readme)
jcIconsII.lha 2.0 pix/gicon 490 130K 2001-01-01 generic icon Os3.5,os3.9 Icon package II - (readme)
jcIcons.lha 1.0 pix/gicon 404 104K 2000-04-24 generic icon Os3.5 Icon package - (readme)
JaZip.lha pix/gicon 408 7K 1999-11-13 generic icon OS 3.5 disk icons for iomega jaz and zip - (readme)
IMP_GI.lha 2 pix/gicon 488 6K 2024-12-06 generic icon GlowIcon for IMP - (readme)
Icons.lha pix/gicon 911 527K 2004-03-23 generic icon OS3.9 icons - (readme)
IceAge.lha 1.0 pix/gicon 699 405K 2003-04-16 generic icon Icons from Ice Age [by cYbo] - (readme)
ibeat_joy2.lha pix/gicon 418 15K 2006-03-24 generic icon Glow Icon for TrekStor i.beat joy 2.0 - (readme)
i5000.lha pix/gicon 1161 1.2M 2003-04-16 generic icon Big Misc GlowIcons Collection [by cYbo] - (readme)
HunoGlowsVeget.lha pix/gicon 358 22K 2001-11-05 generic icon MAC glowIcons - (readme)
HunoGlowsSmile.lha pix/gicon 332 24K 2001-11-05 generic icon MAC glowIcons - (readme)
HunoGlowsRecip.lha pix/gicon 331 23K 2001-11-05 generic icon MAC glowIcons - (readme)
HunoGlowsOutil.lha pix/gicon 341 55K 2001-11-05 generic icon MAC glowIcons - (readme)
HunoGlowsDRWS.lha pix/gicon 343 69K 2001-11-05 generic icon MAC glowIcons - (readme)
HunoGlowsDossi.lha pix/gicon 377 19K 2001-11-05 generic icon MAC glowIcons - (readme)
HunoGlowsBouff.lha pix/gicon 359 14K 2001-11-05 generic icon MAC glowIcons - (readme)
HunoGlowsBizar.lha pix/gicon 327 93K 2001-11-05 generic icon MAC glowIcons - (readme)
HunoGlowsArmy.lha pix/gicon 390 13K 2001-11-05 generic icon MAC glowIcons - (readme)
HSGlowIcons.lha pix/gicon 397 18K 2000-09-05 generic icon OS3.5 GlowIcon Set for HSPascal - (readme)
hpglowicons.lha 1 pix/gicon 806 213K 1999-08-04 generic icon GlowIcons for Haage&Partner programmes - (readme)
heinz_oliver.lha pix/gicon 1115 1.6M 1999-08-05 generic icon Heinz & Oliver GlowIcons - (readme)
heinzglowicons.lha 1.1 pix/gicon 958 891K 1999-07-22 generic icon Icons in GlowIcons\' style for Heinz A. - (readme)
GortIcons.lha pix/gicon 441 335K 2002-01-19 generic icon Gort Icon Collection for AmigaOS 3.5+ - (readme)
Glow_Roketz.lha 1.0 pix/gicon 436 8K 1999-07-30 generic icon 2 GlowIcons for Roktez.(cool duel game) - (readme)
glowiconstuff.lha 1 pix/gicon 941 89K 1999-07-22 generic icon 57 icons in GlowIcons\' style - (readme)
glowiconspack.lha 1.1 pix/gicon 1325 78K 1999-04-10 generic icon 48 more icons in GlowIcons\' style - (readme)
glowiconsmix.lha 1 pix/gicon 2722 46K 1999-05-22 generic icon Some more icons in GlowIcons\' style - (readme)
glowiconsaddon.lha 1.3 pix/gicon 3313 93K 1999-04-30 generic icon 57 new icons in GlowIcons\' style - (readme)
GlowIcons.lha 0.2a pix/gicon 5905 288K 1998-08-11 generic icon Realistic, shaded, anti-aliased NewIcons - (readme)
GlowIconCD2-23122010upd.lha 23-12-2010 pix/gicon 3868 541K 2010-12-24 generic icon GlowIcon CD2 Update - (readme)
glowcollection.lha 1 pix/gicon 4512 167K 1999-04-30 generic icon Yes, 100 more icons in GlowIcons\' style - (readme)
glowcd_bugfix.lha 1 (16.Nov 1999) pix/gicon 4293 556K 1999-11-16 generic icon Bugfix for the Cologne'99 GlowIcons CD - (readme)
gi_hd_col1.lha 1.0 pix/gicon 4696 72K 2004-08-06 generic icon 30 Big HD GlowIcons: audio, cd, music... - (readme)
Found 198 matching packages
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