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Showing: ppc-morphos icongeneric icon
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
SndOff.lha util/misc 672 29K 1997-04-21 m68k-amigaos icon A simple sound player. - (readme)
snapvol.lha 1.0 util/misc 1261 4K 2007-12-08 m68k-amigaos icon Snapshot Ram Disk icon - (readme)
Snapper.lha V1.0 util/misc 916 40K 2000-12-17 m68k-amigaos icon V1.0 Snapshot any window\'s position - (readme)
SnapitSP.lha 1.3.1 util/misc 1483 4K 2014-02-03 generic icon SnapIT spanish catalog for v1.3 - (readme)
snapit.lha 1.5 util/misc 2494 507K 2021-06-14 ppc-amigaos icon ppc-morphos icon i386-aros icon A screen grabber with MUI-Interface. - (readme)
Snap-1.64.lzh util/misc 905 101K 1993-12-01 m68k-amigaos icon Cut&paste text & gfx anywhere on screen - (readme)
SmartView.lha util/misc 714 8K 1999-03-19 m68k-amigaos icon A SmartViewer for the Aminet CD\'s. V1.0 - (readme)
SMARTDoctor-source.lha 1.0 util/misc 1032 45K 2013-12-27 generic icon S.M.A.R.T. info and utilities (source) - (readme)
SMARTDoctor-morphos.lha 1.0 util/misc 1005 78K 2013-12-27 ppc-morphos icon S.M.A.R.T. info and utilities - (readme)
Smartass_dat.lha 2.0 (02.06.96) util/misc 687 2.7M 1996-06-03 m68k-amigaos icon Datafile for Smartass (required) - (readme)
Smartass_bin.lha 2.0.2 (01.12.96) util/misc 665 32K 1996-12-05 m68k-amigaos icon Fortune program with huge cookiefile - (readme)
SmallMath.lzh util/misc 704 12K 1993-02-03 m68k-amigaos icon IEEE libraries without emulation code - (readme)
SmallCalc.lha util/misc 645 40K 1996-02-27 m68k-amigaos icon Calculator4programmers (dec-hex-bin)v0.9 - (readme) 1.2 util/misc 1019 38K 2006-12-14 generic icon Makes changing your MorphOS skins easier - (readme)
Skimmer.lha util/misc 717 91K 1998-10-21 m68k-amigaos icon Locate unused Amiga .libraries in LIBS: (V 1.37) - (readme)
SIW2.lha 37.53 util/misc 647 59K 1996-12-04 m68k-amigaos icon V2: Watch/remote ctrl a scr in a win. - (readme)
SIW.lha 37.65 util/misc 855 87K 1997-04-21 m68k-amigaos icon V2.1: Watch/remote ctrl a scr in a win. - (readme)
Sing.lha util/misc 646 6K 1992-08-01 m68k-amigaos icon Makes Amiga \'sing\' characters - (readme)
SimpleNagger.lha util/misc 673 2K 1996-11-25 m68k-amigaos icon Small program to nag you every hour. VERY SIMPLE - (readme) util/misc 421 6K 2020-09-23 generic icon SID & MP3 Sorter (Rexx) - (readme)
siberia.lha 1.0 util/misc 1056 923K 2013-07-28 ppc-amigaos icon Contacts and calendar (Spanish) - (readme)
Shutdown2_3.lha 2.3 util/misc 849 50K 1997-05-08 m68k-amigaos icon Orderly shutdown. German docs only. - (readme)
ShutDown14.lha util/misc 781 4K 1995-01-10 m68k-amigaos icon ShutDown command will reboot your Amiga, with delay-period. - (readme)
ShowSTD.lha util/misc 649 19K 1994-01-31 m68k-amigaos icon STD (UK telephone area code) database - (readme)
ShowPrefs.lha util/misc 693 10K 1992-08-15 m68k-amigaos icon show preferences of any boot disk - (readme)
showdebug-1.1.lha 1.1 util/misc 774 1K 2006-02-02 ppc-morphos icon Shows MorphOS\' ramdegub logfile - (readme)
Show1.0.lha util/misc 688 90K 1994-12-09 m68k-amigaos icon Associates tools with filetypes to allow easy viewing. Version 1.0 - (readme)
shortnote.lha V1 util/misc 619 144K 1998-07-14 m68k-amigaos icon A programm to make notes (German necessary) - (readme)
ShootTheScreen.lha util/misc 630 502K 2000-12-15 m68k-amigaos icon It\'s main task is doing series of Screenshoots including mouse pointer - (readme)
sheet.lha util/misc 718 97K 1998-10-25 m68k-amigaos icon New Spreadsheet program - (readme)
shed-os4.lha 1.13 util/misc 873 466K 2008-02-07 ppc-amigaos icon An NCurses based HEX Editor - (readme)
shapng.lha 1.1 util/misc 790 114K 2008-09-08 ppc-morphos icon shapng (SHA256 to PNG) - (readme)
shapng-source.lha 1.1 util/misc 673 28K 2012-03-07 generic icon shapng - sha256 of file to PNG-image - (readme)
shapng-morphos.lha 1.1 util/misc 756 64K 2012-03-07 ppc-morphos icon shapng - sha256 of file to PNG-image - (readme)
shapng-amigaos3.lha 1.1 util/misc 605 128K 2012-03-07 m68k-amigaos icon shapng - sha256 of file to PNG-image - (readme)
sha256ht-source.lha 1.1 util/misc 599 25K 2012-03-07 generic icon sha256ht - hash a directory with sha256 - (readme)
sha256ht-morphos.lha 1.1 util/misc 1102 61K 2012-03-07 ppc-morphos icon sha256ht - hash a directory with sha256 - (readme)
sha256ht-amigaos3.lha 1.1 util/misc 670 30K 2012-03-07 m68k-amigaos icon sha256ht - hash a directory with sha256 - (readme)
sha256-mos.lha 1.2 util/misc 1010 21K 2008-06-02 ppc-morphos icon SHA256 Message Digest Utility - (readme)
SGrabber.lha 1.1 util/misc 1196 34K 1997-04-19 m68k-amigaos icon Powerfull Screen Grabber by Life Team - (readme)
sfv-creator.lha 0.2 util/misc 618 11K 2005-05-09 ppc-amigaos icon SFV-Creator for AmigaOS 4 - (readme)
SetSignal.lha 1.3 util/misc 771 47K 2002-10-13 m68k-amigaos icon Send a Signal Utility - (readme)
SetRGB32P.lha util/misc 603 9K 1999-01-10 m68k-amigaos icon V0.1 Patches SetRGB32() to use LoadRGB32() - (readme)
setpri17.lha util/misc 795 5K 1994-07-19 m68k-amigaos icon Set priority of any task. CLI or script - (readme)
SetNoClick.lha util/misc 1120 6K 1994-05-17 m68k-amigaos icon Enable built-in noclick feature in trackdisk v36+ - (readme)
SetIntPri10.lha util/misc 797 4K 1995-01-05 m68k-amigaos icon (Re)sets priority of given interrupt. - (readme)
SetFont.lha util/misc 720 7K 1992-08-15 m68k-amigaos icon Dave Haynie\'s SetFont (Csh compatible) - (readme)
SetCPU.lha 1.60 util/misc 1650 62K 1990-11-03 m68k-amigaos icon Detect and modify 32 bit CPU parameters. V1.60 - (readme)
SetAgnus.lha 1.0 util/misc 853 7K 2003-11-30 i386-amithlon icon Removes an incompatibility between Amithlon and PPaint - (readme)
Set68kCPU.lha 1.0 util/misc 892 9K 2008-05-02 ppc-amigaos icon Change type of 68k CPU reported by OS4 - (readme)
Found 1373 matching packages
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