Cornelius.lha |
1.0 |
game/jump |
5299 |
2.0M |
2010-02-08 |
Cornelius saves Christmas -Platform game - (readme) |
CrazySue.lha |
game/jump |
2865 |
306K |
2000-02-08 |
Classic PD platform game \"Crazy Sue\" - (readme) |
CrazySueII.lha |
game/jump |
2424 |
456K |
2000-02-08 |
Classic PD platform game \"Crazy Sue II\" - (readme) |
Croak2.lha |
game/jump |
2333 |
92K |
1995-08-15 |
Version 2 of the Amiga Frogger clone - (readme) |
CrossCountry.lha |
1.0 |
game/jump |
2586 |
913K |
1998-06-04 |
Cross Country. A Good Game No Limited - (readme) |
DangerDogg.lha |
game/jump |
2091 |
437K |
1996-09-12 |
Best Shareware Jump\'n\'Run ever. - (readme) |
Delarith.lha |
game/jump |
1912 |
236K |
1997-09-28 |
Delarith by Backyard Brothers - (readme) |
diamonds.lha |
game/jump |
1919 |
150K |
1992-05-15 |
game, platform, get the diamonds - (readme) |
Diver.lha |
1.0 |
game/jump |
1270 |
65K |
2011-11-05 |
Simple collect-em-up game. Nice graphics - (readme) |
DK-1200.lha |
game/jump |
2127 |
190K |
1996-07-30 |
Donkey Kong for AGA Amigas - (readme) |
DonkeyDownfall.lha |
Party Version |
game/jump |
1827 |
882K |
2014-07-14 |
Donkey Downfall is a platform game - (readme) |
Doody.lha |
game/jump |
2023 |
95K |
1993-04-18 |
Mario Brothers like game - (readme) |
Downfall.lha |
1.0 |
game/jump |
1493 |
220K |
2012-04-10 |
A platform game where you fall down - (readme) |
easteregg.lha |
1.0 |
game/jump |
885 |
787K |
2016-12-23 |
Easter Egg - platform game 68k - (readme) |
edgar-1.0-morphos.lha |
1.0 |
game/jump |
1309 |
29M |
2012-05-01 |
SDL based classic plattform game - (readme) |
edgar.lha |
1.27 |
game/jump |
1551 |
97M |
2017-12-15 |
The Legend of Edgar - (readme) |
Edgar_68k.lha |
1.03 |
game/jump |
1687 |
51M |
2012-09-12 |
adventure platform game - (readme) |
EgyptianRun.lha |
1.1 |
game/jump |
1615 |
30K |
1987-12-28 |
Cute little "road race + hazards" game - (readme) |
Electrek_FINAL.adf |
2007 |
game/jump |
3081 |
880K |
2007-11-30 |
Original platform game with a twist - (readme) |
Elfie_The_Unicorn_Final.adf |
1.0 |
game/jump |
1131 |
880K |
2018-07-26 |
Platform Game (Bootable Disk) - (readme) |
Erik.lha |
game/jump |
1387 |
268K |
1996-04-09 |
Erik, Pd vers of a great platformer. - (readme) |
FaYoh.lha |
game/jump |
1972 |
435K |
1999-04-04 |
Full version: GianaSisters-style game - (readme) |
FaYoh2.lha |
game/jump |
2716 |
800K |
1999-03-20 |
Full version: SuperMarioWorld-style game - (readme) |
FlappyBird.lha |
1.1 |
game/jump |
2982 |
1.1M |
2014-03-13 |
Flappy Bird is a 2013 mobile game. - (readme) |
FlappyBirdA500.lha |
1.2 |
game/jump |
1635 |
882K |
2014-07-14 |
Flappy Bird is a 2013 mobile game. - (readme) |
FlappyBirdCD32.lha |
1.1 |
game/jump |
892 |
150K |
2018-07-23 |
Flappy Bird is a 2013 mobile game - (readme) |
FlashFlood.lha |
game/jump |
1559 |
63K |
1996-07-14 |
Amiga version of a c64 game. - (readme) |
FredFrog.lha |
game/jump |
1289 |
326K |
1997-04-21 |
Guide a frog back home. - (readme) |
freeprince.i386-aros.lha |
0.4cvs |
game/jump |
447 |
464K |
2021-01-22 |
Prince of Persia engine (SDL) - (readme) |
freeprince.lha |
0.4cvs |
game/jump |
1531 |
610K |
2005-12-19 |
Prince of Persia Engine - (readme) |
frogsofwar_os4.lha |
game/jump |
1213 |
916K |
2008-11-21 |
A weird platform shooter - (readme) |
FruitPanic101.lha |
game/jump |
1535 |
82K |
1993-03-18 |
Classic pacman & platform game. - (readme) |
GatorManiaDemo.lha |
1.3 |
game/jump |
1104 |
452K |
1998-04-07 |
Gator Mania Platform Game (AMOS Pro) - (readme) |
Geenie_148.lha |
game/jump |
1001 |
239K |
1997-08-09 |
Geenie v1.48 by Backyard Brothers - (readme) |
Giddy.lha |
game/jump |
1008 |
178K |
1997-09-28 |
Nice game with a lot of puzzles - (readme) |
Giddy_2.lha |
game/jump |
1258 |
282K |
2001-09-05 |
Giddy 2: Hero in an Egg Shell - (readme) |
ginger12.lha |
game/jump |
1042 |
390K |
2001-09-20 |
Demo of 30 Level 2D Platformer V1.2 - (readme) | |
1.1 |
game/jump |
172 |
3.4M |
2024-05-05 |
GI Omino Stage Game - (readme) |
GooniesRM.lha |
1.0.2 |
game/jump |
1156 |
17M |
2010-10-13 |
The Goonies Remake - (readme) |
HappyBat.lha |
1.2 |
game/jump |
987 |
244K |
2025-01-18 |
A flappy bird clone for AGA machines - (readme) |
hoiagaremix.lha |
game/jump |
1216 |
711K |
1994-05-28 |
The dino platformer is now PD ;) - (readme) |
HotAir0.5.lha |
game/jump |
982 |
57K |
1994-07-07 |
Scrolling platform/puzzle game. - (readme) |
insidia.lha |
1.0 |
game/jump |
1312 |
3.3M |
2018-08-18 |
Insidia - platform game 68k - (readme) |
Jay_the_miner.tgz |
game/jump |
808 |
6.3M |
2015-04-07 |
Jay the miner - (readme) |
jetpac.i386-aros.lha |
0.2.6 |
game/jump |
551 |
1.6M |
2021-01-23 |
A port of SDL game 'Jetpac The Return' - (readme) |
Jetpack-0.2.5_OS3.lha |
0.2.5 |
game/jump |
1098 |
1.0M |
2008-08-24 |
A port of SDL game 'Jetpac The Return' - (readme) |
JetSet97_12.lha |
game/jump |
1308 |
297K |
1997-06-29 |
Jet Set Willy \'97 v1.2 - (readme) |
JetSetBilly.lha |
game/jump |
1119 |
349K |
1995-09-01 |
"Jet Set Willy" clone (+source), beta - (readme) |
jumper.lha |
game/jump |
783 |
41K |
1992-06-14 |
A good \'Frogger\' clone. - (readme) |
JumpingAround.lha |
1.4 |
game/jump |
1652 |
97K |
2025-02-16 |
JumpNRun game, working in progress - (readme) |