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Showing: ppc-morphos icongeneric icon
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
LipSyncLab.lha dev/amos 724 251K 1998-04-17 generic icon Do lip sync with sampled speech - (readme)
localeext.lha dev/amos 741 9K 1996-05-06 m68k-amigaos icon Locale extension for AMOSpro - (readme)
lsalad.lha dev/amos 734 1K 1999-05-11 generic icon Letter-Salad - nice effect with letters - (readme)
lserv25d.lha dev/amos 755 37K 1992-10-12 m68k-amigaos icon new serial for AMOS. With XPR-support! - (readme)
mandelbrot.lha dev/amos 520 4K 2024-07-27 generic icon Mandelbrot set - (readme)
mandel_and_julia.lha dev/amos 551 7K 2024-08-04 generic icon mandelbrot and julia - (readme)
mapcreator.lha dev/amos 689 7K 1994-10-14 generic icon Generates 2D overhead view terrain maps - (readme)
mazegen.lha dev/amos 741 60K 1993-03-04 m68k-amigaos icon Generate mazes for use with AMOS - (readme)
Mazer.lha dev/amos 656 135K 1999-05-10 m68k-amigaos icon Generate mazes for fun and profit (?) - (readme)
medext71.lha 7.0 dev/amos 935 42K 2000-05-03 m68k-amigaos icon AMOS1.3 MED Extension (German) - (readme)
MiscExt.lha dev/amos 994 5K 1995-05-16 m68k-amigaos icon Extension for AMOS Pro - (readme)
modifile.lha dev/amos 740 74K 2025-01-11 m68k-amigaos icon File modifier written by AMOSPro - (readme)
monster_enemy.lha dev/amos 705 29K 1996-03-08 generic icon Code for controlling huge enemies - (readme)
morbith.lha dev/amos 714 82K 1995-08-21 generic icon 3 little AMOS programms (source) - (readme)
mousing.lha dev/amos 742 1K 1999-05-06 generic icon Lets your Amiga Sing with the Mouse - (readme)
MPlasma.lha dev/amos 819 1K 1997-04-20 generic icon A very smooth, psychadelic "plasma" - (readme)
msgportloc.lha dev/amos 711 6K 1995-04-18 generic icon Find message (Arexx) ports - (readme)
multimoveengin.lha dev/amos 713 2K 2003-09-26 generic icon Source code of engine for RTS/RPG game - (readme)
MultiPro.lha 1.0 dev/amos 645 10K 1995-10-06 generic icon Amos procedure: programming environment - (readme)
multiwindows.lha dev/amos 692 40K 1999-01-13 generic icon Window interface procedures for Amos - (readme)
neural.lha dev/amos 728 1K 1996-12-07 generic icon AMOS Neural network! - (readme)
nlw_source.lha 2.81 dev/amos 990 113K 2002-06-26 generic icon NL_Winner AMOS source code - (readme)
no_sine_circle.lha dev/amos 560 1K 2024-06-27 generic icon circle with no sines - (readme)
nrock.lha dev/amos 657 2K 1999-04-20 generic icon A simple noize-generator (german only) - (readme)
NTSC_PAL.lha dev/amos 975 5K 1994-07-05 generic icon NTSC<>PAL switcher accessory - (readme)
Optim_Tips.lha dev/amos 1011 7K 1997-04-10 generic icon Some optimisation tips for AMOS - (readme)
peak_filter.lha 1.6.8 dev/amos 635 2K 2024-04-15 generic icon 2nd order osc filter - (readme)
PersonnalDEMO.lha dev/amos 912 361K 1999-07-19 m68k-amigaos icon Amos Personnal Extension 1.0a - (readme)
PH_PROGS.lha dev/amos 700 11K 1993-06-02 generic icon Five short usefull AMOS source programs - (readme)
picpack.lha dev/amos 794 1K 1997-04-29 generic icon AMOS code to Pack Pictures - (readme)
PlatformGameEngine.lha 0.34 dev/amos 947 89K 2021-04-08 generic icon A Platform Game Engine in Amos - (readme)
Pns-plas.lha dev/amos 902 1K 2000-09-02 generic icon Plasma Source For AMOS - (readme)
PowerBobs.lha dev/amos 894 162K 1995-12-24 m68k-amigaos icon PowerBobs for Amos and Amos Pro - (readme)
ppACC.lha dev/amos 650 31K 1995-03-06 generic icon crunch and decrunch your source code - (readme)
PrgCollection.lha dev/amos 852 661K 1995-04-13 generic icon Many sources (mostly demos) for AMOS - (readme)
ProcLib3.0.lha dev/amos 976 64K 1994-04-19 generic icon A library of AMOS procedures - (readme)
projlist.txt dev/amos 748 24K 1994-05-02 generic icon List of current projects by Amos users - (readme)
ps-sources-1.lha dev/amos 863 249K 1997-05-16 generic icon AMOS Sources by Peter Storey - (readme)
pw_proce.lha dev/amos 767 261K 1996-06-29 generic icon POWER Procedures 2.00, full AMOS source - (readme)
rainbowbulider.lha dev/amos 747 2K 2003-09-26 generic icon Source code: create rainbow structures - (readme)
RainMaker2Demo.lha dev/amos 707 37K 1992-11-25 generic icon AMOS utility for making rainbows - (readme)
rastermaster16.lha dev/amos 734 113K 1999-01-13 m68k-amigaos icon colour table/copperbar editor (+src) - (readme)
RealMix.lha dev/amos 769 1K 1999-03-19 generic icon Realtime audio-mixing in AMOS - (readme)
rjkpro_1.lha dev/amos 774 82K 1997-04-02 generic icon Miscellaneous AMOS procedures+ sources - (readme)
rndmusic.lha dev/amos 756 1K 1999-05-02 generic icon RandomPlay (simple generated music) - (readme)
SampleBankEdit.lha dev/amos 651 103K 1993-10-19 m68k-amigaos icon Requires EasyLife Extension - (readme)
screenedv22.lha dev/amos 734 91K 1994-03-26 m68k-amigaos icon Good AMOS(pro) ScreenEd for games ect. - (readme)
shading.lha 1.6 dev/amos 705 7K 2024-01-22 generic icon Phong and Gouraud shading - (readme)
shuffle.lha dev/amos 803 12K 1996-05-25 generic icon AMOS 1.3 Extensions 9, Amigaguide. - (readme)
siit.lha dev/amos 732 85K 1994-03-26 m68k-amigaos icon Icon editor for use with AMOS(pro) - (readme)
Found 350 matching packages
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