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Showing: ppc-morphos icongeneric icon
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
neues_3sat.lha pix/anim 276 2.0M 1998-12-10 generic icon Video-sequence of a german TV show - (readme)
neues-HEW.lha pix/anim 279 8.8M 1999-12-06 generic icon Home Electronics World \'99: german Quicktime movie - (readme)
neues-20000519.lha pix/anim 269 2.1M 2000-05-29 generic icon (german) 3sat Neues/Elate - Quicktime - (readme)
neu20000519ani.lha pix/anim 271 10M 2000-05-29 generic icon (german) 3sat Neues/Elate - Soundanim - (readme)
Nemesis.lha pix/anim 298 16K 1988-01-01 generic icon Demo from Badge Killer Demo Contest. - (readme)
NCC1701D_moa.mpg pix/anim 264 143K 1998-12-01 generic icon MPG-Animation of the Enterprise NCC1701-D - (readme)
NautlsIterHam.lha pix/anim 231 211K 1994-10-03 generic icon 131 frame mandelbrot anim - (readme)
nagptb.lha pix/anim 212 1.1M 1993-08-08 generic icon NAGPTB Anim (HAM), JN\'s space anim of a moon being destroyed. - (readme)
MyWorlds.lha pix/anim 230 163K 1996-07-09 generic icon Two landscape scenes created with Genesis:The Third Day. - (readme)
MyLSD.lha pix/anim 219 20K 1999-02-13 generic icon Nothing to do with drugs,they suxx!(B/W) - (readme)
Multineb.lha pix/anim 242 960K 1996-06-12 generic icon Im4.0, Shows Different Nebulas - (readme)
MTT_Schlote.lha pix/anim 264 2.2M 1996-10-10 generic icon Quicktime (Hr. Schlote) of a Video taken at the MTT 1996 - (readme)
MTT_Konjevic.lha pix/anim 253 8.3M 1996-10-10 generic icon Quicktime (Hr. Konjevic) of a Video taken at the MTT 1996 - (readme)
MTT_Knecht.lha pix/anim 233 2.7M 1996-10-10 generic icon Quicktime (Hr. Knecht) of a Video taken at the MTT 1996 - (readme)
MTT_Kittel.lha pix/anim 279 7.7M 1996-10-10 generic icon Quicktime (Hr. Kittel) of a Video taken at the MTT 1996 - (readme)
MTT_Intro.lha pix/anim 299 9.4M 1996-10-12 generic icon Quicktime (Intro Video) shown at the MTT 1996 - (readme)
MTT_Huber.lha pix/anim 282 4.2M 1996-10-10 generic icon Quicktime (ProDAD) of a Video taken at the MTT 1996 - (readme)
MTT_Haage.lha pix/anim 259 2.8M 1996-10-10 generic icon Quicktime (Hr. Haage) of a Video taken at the MTT 1996 - (readme)
MTT_Bilstein.lha pix/anim 251 4.2M 1996-10-10 generic icon Quicktime (PeterBilstein) of a Video taken at the MTT 1996 - (readme)
MST3k.lha pix/anim 218 33K 1993-02-08 generic icon B&W hi res anim of Joel & the `Bots\' watching the screen. - (readme)
MrPotatoHead.lha pix/anim 226 96K 1996-05-01 generic icon Cartoon anim 320x256x5x106 - (readme)
mrhappy.lha pix/anim 346 39K 1991-04-04 generic icon Disney animation studio anim, Matt Griffith - (readme)
MrFace.lha pix/anim 257 2.2M 1996-04-25 generic icon Raytraced anim of a face... - (readme)
mpeg_movies1.lha pix/anim 213 257K 1992-12-09 generic icon MPEG Movies Part 1 - (readme)
MountainFlight.lha pix/anim 288 8.3M 1997-11-27 generic icon Nice IFF-ANIM7 animation created with Scenery Animator. - (readme)
mountain.lha full pix/anim 229 1.8M 1998-07-08 generic icon IFF-anim7 landscape animation - (readme)
MorphBlob.lha pix/anim 217 593K 1995-05-08 generic icon Imagine 3.0 Morphing Blob Anim (IFF-Anim5_HAM) - (readme)
morph.lha pix/anim 244 99K 2000-04-10 generic icon Structured morphing animations - (readme)
MoonWalk.lha pix/anim 253 2.5M 1994-04-03 generic icon Moonwalk animation done w/ Imagine 2.9 - (readme)
Moon.lha pix/anim 243 1.4M 1998-10-28 generic icon Moon-flight-anim by Faculty for AnimFX - (readme)
MommaGlob.mpg pix/anim 175 145K 1995-04-21 generic icon WhereDoBabyGlobsComeFrom - (readme)
Moment.lha pix/anim 212 735K 1997-02-17 generic icon A Mandel Moment - (readme)
MoleAnim.lha pix/anim 221 1.2M 1998-02-23 generic icon Another Cel style Anim. - (readme)
MolAnim.lha pix/anim 292 4.7M 1996-06-23 generic icon HAM8 320x240 realistic anim of a gas station - (readme)
Moby.lha pix/anim 212 32K 1999-02-13 generic icon Moby Dick, unlucky whale! (B/W) - (readme)
Mobile.lha pix/anim 221 117K 1994-04-10 generic icon Reflections rendered animation - (readme)
mobicogs.lha pix/anim 217 1.8M 1994-04-10 generic icon Mobius strip of Cogs (Imagine 2.9) - (readme)
mobicflc.lha pix/anim 319 2.1M 1994-04-26 generic icon FLC of Mobius strip of Cogs (Imagine 2.9) - (readme)
ML-SPECTRUM.lzh pix/anim 208 519K 1994-04-13 generic icon Demo Animation for Magic Lantern 1.5 (see readme) - (readme)
ML-RETINA.lzh pix/anim 233 518K 1994-04-13 generic icon Demo Animation for Magic Lantern 1.5 (see readme) - (readme)
ML-PICASSO.lzh pix/anim 229 510K 1994-04-13 generic icon Demo Animation for Magic Lantern 1.5 (see readme) - (readme)
ML-OPAL.lzh pix/anim 229 597K 1994-04-13 generic icon Demo Animation for Magic Lantern 1.5 (see readme) - (readme)
ML-HAM8.lzh pix/anim 221 733K 1994-04-13 generic icon Demo Animation for Magic Lantern 1.5 (see readme) - (readme)
ML-HAM6.lzh pix/anim 213 305K 1994-04-13 generic icon Demo Animation for Magic Lantern 1.5 (see readme) - (readme)
ML-EGS.lzh pix/anim 243 276K 1994-04-13 generic icon Demo Animation for Magic Lantern 1.5 (see readme) - (readme)
Missile1.lha pix/anim 228 439K 1996-05-01 generic icon Futuristic plane 320x200x8x98 - (readme)
Minmei.lha pix/anim 234 35K 1993-05-07 generic icon Minmei doll walking around. DPaintIV - (readme)
mincer.lha pix/anim 264 1.8M 1993-12-08 generic icon HAM6 anim rendered with POV-Ray ver 1.0 - (readme)
microsmash.lha pix/anim 213 36K 1999-02-19 generic icon Small anim, joke? or is it true? - (readme)
meteosat.lha pix/anim 239 1.5M 1997-01-17 generic icon Short anim of METEOSAT optical images 1st-4th Jan - (readme)
Found 980 matching packages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 7 8 >9< 10 11 ... 16 17 18 19 20
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